History of Medicine- (Jadyn Goins)

  • 3000 BCE

    Primitive Times

    Primitive Times
    -Belived illnesses were caused by evil spirits and punishment from God
    -Which doctors would hold ceremonies to cure illnesses
    -Herbs and plants were used for medication
    -Removed pieces of the skull
    -Average life span was 20 years
  • 300 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egyptians
    -Priests took the roles of physicians
    -Egyptians where first to record medical records
    -Leeches where used for medical treatment
    -Average life span was mid 20's
  • 220 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    -Curing the body from spirits was a form of treatment
    -Record of herbs used for medicine was recorded
    -Used acupuncture
    -Began searching for medical answers for whats causing illness
    -Average life span was mid 20's
  • 200 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Ancient Greeks
    -First to observe the human body (This led to modern medical sciences)
    -Illness is a result of a natural cause
    -Used massage, art, and herbal therapy as treatment
    -Exercise and hygiene helped with preventing illness
    -Average lifespan was 30's
  • 400

    Dark Ages

    Dark Ages
    -Saving the soul and studding medicine was prohibited
    -Prayers were use to treat illness
    -Medicines were made out of herbs
    -Average lifespan was mid 20's
    -Diseases were still blamed on circumstances
    -No understanding
  • 410

    Ancient Romans

    Ancient Romans
    -First to provide medical care for soldiers
    -Hospitals were religious
    -First to build sewers
    -Belived the body was regulated by four different humors: blood, phlegm, black bile, yellow bile
  • 800

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    -Renewed medical interest
    -Arabs made physicians to have a medical licence
    -Bubonic plague wiped 75% of population
    -Medical schools became a thing
    -Average life span was 30
  • 1350


    -Rebirth of medicine
    -Body Dissections increased the understanding of anatomy
    -Invention of print and press made medical knowledge easier to share
    -First anatomy book was published
    -Cause of disease was still a mystery
    - Average lifespan was 35 years
  • 16th and 17th Centuries

    16th and 17th Centuries
    -Knowledge with the human body increased majorly
    -Ligatures were established to stop bleeding
    -Early pharmasists sold medicine
    -Microscope was invented
    -Cause of disease was still unknown
    -Many people died from infections
    -Average lifespan was 40 years
  • 18th Century

    18th Century
    -First mercury thermometer was made
    -Bifocals were invented
    -Tube feeding was introduced
    -Scientific surgical procedures happened a lot more
    -Smallpox vaccine was invented
    -Average lifespan was 45 years
  • 19th Century

    19th Century
    -Advancements happened rapidly from discovery of medicines and microorganisms
    -X-ray was invented
    -First open heart surgery happened
    -Stethoscope was invented
    -Training for nurses began
    -Average lifespan was 50 years
  • 20th Century

    20th Century
    -ABO blood groups were discovered
    -Discovered how white blood cells worked
    -New medicines were used
    -Incline and penicillin were used
    -New machines were developed
    -DNA was discovered and researched
    -First bone marrow transplant
    -Organ transplants became available
    -Many different vaccines happened
    -Targeted cancer therapies
    -Smoke free laws were put in place
    -Advanced HIV medication
    -Stem cell research rapidly increased
  • 21st Century

    21st Century
    -Artificial heart was implanted for the first time
    -Face transplants happened
    -More vaccines