History of Medicine- Grace Schafer

  • 4000 BCE

    Primitive Times

    Primitive Times
    • Illness and diseases were caused by supernatural spirits and demons
    • herbs and plants are used for medicine *trepanation was a common practice *trepanation: a whole that is burred into the scull to treat insanity
    • lifespan 20 years
  • 3000 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egyptians
    • doctors and physicians were priests
    • bloodletting was a common practice
    • Average lifespan: 20-30
  • 1700 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    • Have to treat and cure the spirits in the body (commonly done my herbs/ medicines)
    • began acupuncture
    • started finding real explanations for sicknesses rather than thinking its demons
    • Average Life Span: 20-30 years
  • 1200 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Ancient Greeks
    • Hippocrates (Father of Medicine) -believed that illnesses were caused naturally and not spiritually
    • he also was the first to observe the human body and how diseases affected it -Found that diets, exercise, and hygiene are good ways to prevent diseases.
    • Lifespan: 25-35 years
  • 753 BCE

    Ancient Romans

    Ancient Romans
    • provided the first organized medical care
    • built aqueducts, baths, and sewers for better hygiene
    • A common belief that there were 4 body humors; blood, phlegm, black bile , and yellow bile
    • Lifespan: 25-35 years
  • 400 BCE

    Dark Ages

    Dark Ages
    • the idea that illness and disease were caused by supernatural powers and not naturally
    • medical studies were prohibited
    • "medicines" were just herbal mixtures and healing was done by prayers
    • Lifespan: 20-30 years
  • 800

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    • Starts believing in naturally caused illness and diseases
    • Medical Universities were created
    • Major diseases and viruses went around -Bubonic Plague (killed 3/4 of the population) -smallpox -diphtheria -tuberculosis -malaria
    • Lifespan: 20-35 years
  • 1350


    • Rebirth of Science of Medicine
    • Deeper understanding of anatomy and physiology
    • Invention of the printing press
    • First anatomy book was published by Andreas Vesalius
    • Lifespan: 30-40 years
  • 1500

    16th and 17th Century

    16th and 17th Century
    • Overall knowledge on the body increases
    • Apothecaries made, perspective and sold medicines (early pharmacists)
    • invention of the microscope -allowed scientists and physicians see small organisms and diseases -found that a lot of people die from infections
    • Lifespan: 35-45 years
  • 18th Century

    18th Century
    • Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals (glasses)
    • creation of the first mercury thermometer
    • found the smallpox vaccine which was the vaccinia virus (cowpox)
    • Lifespan 40-50 years
  • 19th Century

    19th Century
    • lots and lots of discoveries of microorganisms, anesthesia and vaccinations
    • X-ray Machine developed
    • First ever open heart surgery (used the new developed anesthesia)
    • training for nurses *Lifespan: 40-60 years
  • 20th Century

    20th Century
    • ABO Blood groups were discovered. (A, B, AB, O)
    • 1922- Insulin was discovered *1928- Penicillin was discovered *gene therapy begins due to the discovery of the DNA structure
  • 20th Century Vaccines

    20th Century Vaccines
    • Tuberculosis - 1925
    • Influenza - 1945
    • Measles - 1963
    • Rubella - 1970
    • Chicken Pox- 1974
    • Lyme Disease- 1998
  • 20th Century (continues)

    20th Century (continues)
    • First Bone Marrow Transplant
    • Test tube babies
    • ORGAN TRANSPLANTS!!! -Kidney -Liver -Heart