Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500
Middle Ages
Aug 31, 900
difference between small pox and measles
Aug 31, 900
Aug 31, 1300
Islamic Hospitals
Aug 31, 1340
Black Death Breaks Out in Italy
Aug 31, 1400
Frenchwomen jacoba Felicie trys to practice medicine but gets denied
Period: Jan 1, 1501 to
use of scientific method
Robert Hooke Reflective Microscope
Antonie Leeuwenhoek decribes bacteria
Francis Bacon Uses Microscope to Discover Plague Fleas
The Peace of Hubertusburg: Prussia Comes into its own
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Manio Curio discovers science of Radicactivity
Buboric Plague hits San Francisco
Robert Koch Discovery of Pathogens
Joseph Linster Practice of medical Asopsis
John Snow Stops Outbreak of Cholora
Period: to
Modern World
Alexander Fleming discovers penicillon
first HMO insurance
who declares smallpox eradicated
Who declares smallpox eradicated
Managed health care growth in uninsured
Period: to
21st Century
Steve Thomas used sterile maggots for infectious wound treatment
Gardasil a Vacine
MIPPA improves for medicare
the first FDA aproved
scientist discover how to use human skin