History of Medicine

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 900


    Discovered difference between smallpox and measels.
  • 1300

    chester bearry medical papyrus

    chester bearry medical papyrus
    varied recipe book
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1316

    Mondino de Luzzi

    Mondino de Luzzi
    the first to make an anatomical description of one who gives atomic and surgical treatises in medicine
  • 1368


    would increase the influence of other latitudes, Chinese doctors explored new territories and Western doctors will bring their knowledge to China
  • 1451

    Nicolas de causa

    Nicolas de causa
    invents concave lenses to treat myopia
  • 1507

    Giovanni Battista Morgagni.

    Giovanni Battista Morgagni.
    gave results of autopsies, comparing them with the symptoms before death. the great figure of pathological anatomy.
  • 1550

    Ebers Papyrus

    Ebers Papyrus
    one of the most important contains 877 sections that contain various diseases in various fields of medicine such as; ophthalmology, gynecology, gastroenterology etc.
  • 1553

    Miguel Servet

    Miguel Servet
    describes the minor circulation through the lungs.
  • Thomas Willis

    Thomas Willis
    I start a long list of endocrinologists, being the first to define metabolic processes.
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    doctors, English discoverer of Sanguine circulation, neatly described in his; anatomical Excitation anatomic the mote cords et sanguine in animalcules.
  • John Elsholz

    John Elsholz
    perform the first intravenous injection.
  • robert hooke

    robert hooke
    reflective microscope.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Thomas sydenham.

    Thomas sydenham.
    proposed that tuberculosis was an infectious disease, therefore susceptible to being contacted in contact with patients
  • Henry Layarde

    Henry Layarde
    the conception of health and disease in this period, as well as the medical techniques employed by their healing professions.
  • Marc Armand Ruffer

    Marc Armand Ruffer
    British physician and archaeologist defined paleontology as the science of diseases that can be demonstrated in human remains of great antiquity.
  • Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Mendel
    starts the studies of genetics.
  • Armauer Hansen

    Armauer Hansen
    established its cause by observing the responsible bacteria.
  • X-rays

    Wilhelm Rontgen discover x-rays.
  • Henri Bacquerel

    Henri Bacquerel
    discover radioactivity.
  • magnetic resonance

    magnetic resonance
    Layered technical medicine unraveling the secrets of the human body.
  • Ramesseum

    in which recipes and magic formulas are described.
  • Human Genome project

    Human Genome project
    with function of determining the
    Specific positions of all nucleotide.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Eduard Zirm,

    Eduard Zirm,
    The first successful transplants were performed with the cornea.
  • Frederick Gowland Hopkins

    Frederick Gowland  Hopkins
    describes vitamins and proposes their care as a cause of scurvy and rickets.
  • chromosomes

    Thomas Hunt Morgan discover that genes reside on chromosomes.
  • Alexander Fleming

    Alexander Fleming
    discover penicillin.
  • OMS

    first interracial medical agency.
  • Edwar Jenner

    Edwar Jenner
    varicose vein vaccine discoverer.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • He Jiankui

    He Jiankui
    the birth of two girls whose DNA was modified to be resistant to HIV through the CRISPR-Cas9 technique.
  • Nei Jing

    Nei Jing
    dated medical writings reprecenta one of the pillars of traditional Chinese medicine in subsequent four-year periods