Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300
Mild Ages
Razes discover difference between smallpox and measles
doctors 1215
the school of Montpelier founded in 1289
medicine in 754 -
Period: Jan 1, 1301 to
medicines 1493
Andres Vesalius founder of anatomy 1454
Leonardo da vinci dissects corpus -
Period: to
Industrail Revolution
medical machines or inventions 1701
tuberculosis killing many people 1831
blood transfusion 1818 -
Period: to
Modern World
Felix Hoffman made aspirin from cyclical acid 1900
influenza vaccine 1945
James Watson discovers DNA 1953 -
Period: to
21st Century
Dr. GeroHutter successfully cure HIV/AIDS by transplanting bone marrow from HIV-immune patient 2007
implant a new artificial heart in one of there patients.2001
Artificial kidney and liver were grown in labs 2013