4000 BCE
Primitive Times
- Illnesses were caused by evil spirits/demons and were also punishments of god. -Witch doctors treated illnesses with ceremonies. -Morphine, digitalis, and other plants were used as medicines.
- Trepanation and trephinng were also popular. -Life span = 20 years
3000 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
-Physicians were priests at the time.
-Ancient Egyptians would recorded the first Health Records.
-Leeches and bloodletting were used for medical treatment.
-Life span= 20-30 years -
1700 BCE
Ancient Chinese
-Believed they needed to treat their whole body by curing the spirit as well as nourishing the body.
-Used therapies like acupuncture.
-Searched medical reasons for illnesses.
-Life span= 20-30 years -
1200 BCE
Ancient Greeks
-Hippocrates (also known as the Father of Medicine) was believed to be the first to observe the human body.
-Believed illnesses were caused by natural causes
-Used therapies such as massages, art therapy, herbal treatment, etc.
-Life span= 25-35 years. -
753 BCE
Ancient Romans
-Organized medical care for the first time by caring for wounded soldiers.
-First to have public health and sanitation systems due to building aqueducts and sewers.
-The belief that the body was regulated by 4 humors which were blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm.
-Life span= 25-35 years. -
Dark Ages
-Saving the soul and the study of medicine was prohibited.
-Divine intervention and prayer is what was used to treat diseases and illnesses.
-Medications were mostly herbal mixtures.
-The cause of disease was blamed on circumstance.
-Life span= 20-30 years. -
Middle Ages
- Renewed interests in medical practices from the Greeks and Romans. -Bubonic Plague killed 75% of the population in Europe and Asia. -Other major diseases consisted of small pox, tuberculosis, the plague, malaria, etc. -Life span= 20-35 years.
-The rebirth of science of medicine.
-Cause of disease was still a mystery
-Body dissections increased the understanding of anatomy and physiology
-Andreas Vesalius published the first anatomy book.
-Life span= 30-40 years -
16th and 17th century
-Knowledge of the human body increased.
-Many people died from infections.
-Cause of death is unknown still.
-Microscope was invented which allowed physicians to see disease causing organisms.
Life span= 35-45 years -
18th century
-First mercury thermometer was created by Gabriel Fahrenheit.
-Smallpox vaccination was discovered.
-Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals.
-Life span= 40-50 years. -
19th Century
-Discoveries of anesthesia, vaccinations, and microorganisms.
-X-ray machines were developed.
-The stethoscope was invented.
-The first open heart surgery was preformed.
-Life span= 40-60 years. -
20th century
-New machines were developed such as the Kidney Dialysis Machine, Heart Lung Machine, etc.
-ABO blood groups were discovered.
-First Bone Marrow Transplant took place.
-Organ transplants such as kidney, liver, heart, and artificial heart.
-Test tube babies were developed. -
20th - 21st Century
-Smoke Free Laws caused a decrease in 2nd hand smoke.
-Targeted Cancer Therapies helped identify and kill cancer cells.
- Advances in HIV medications helped turn deathly diseases into managable diseases.
-Life span= Normal -
21st Century
-The first implantable heart was placed in a patient in 2001.
-Face Transplants started in 2005.
-Vaccines for HPV, Malaria, Ebola, etc. were invented.