History of Medicine- Brayden Rex

  • 4000 BCE

    Primitive Times

    Primitive Times
    *Illness and disease were caused by evil spirits
    *Witch doctors treated illness
    *Plants and herbs used as medicines
    *Trepanation was used to release the evil spirit from the head
    *Life span was 20 years
  • 3000 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egyptians
    *Physicians were priests
    *Bloodletting or leeches used as medical treatment
    *Life span was 20-30 years
  • 1700 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    *Treat whole body to cure the spirit
    *Used Acupuncture
    *Searched for medical reasons for illness
    *Life span was 20-30 years
  • 1200 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Ancient Greeks
    *Hippocrates and other physicians were the first to observe the human body and the effects of disease
    *Believed illness was a natural cause
    *Changed diet, hygiene, and exercise
    *Life span was 25-35 years
  • 753 BCE

    Ancient Romans

    Ancient Romans
    *Organized medical care
    *Sanitation systems by building sewers
    *Believed body was regulated by four body humors; blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile
    *Life span was 25-35 years
  • 400

    Dark Ages

    Dark Ages
    *Prayer was used to treat disease
    *Study of medicine was prohibited
    *Medications were mainly herbs
    *Life span was 20-30 years
  • 800

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    *Renewed interest in medical practice
    *Required physicians to pass test
    *Bubonic Plague killed 75% of the population
    *Medical Universities were established
    *Life span was 20-35 years
  • 1350


    *Rebirth of Science of Medicine
    *Body Dissections increased understanding of anatomy
    *Invention of Printing press
    *Life span was 30-40 years
    *Disease cause was still a mystery
  • 1500

    16 and 17 Centuries

    16 and 17 Centuries
    *Knowledge of human body increased
    *Use of ligatures to stop bleeding
    *Invention of Microscope
    *Life span 35-45 years
  • 18th Century

    18th Century
    *Gabriel Fahrenheit created the first thermometer
    *Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals
    *John Hunter introduced tube feeding
    *Smallpox vaccine discovered
    *Life span 40-50 years
  • 19th Century

    19th Century
    *Developed X-Ray Machine
    *First open Heart Surgery
    *Invention of the stethoscope
    *Life span 40-60 years
  • 20th Century

    20th Century
    • ABO blood groups discovered- Found how white blood cells protected against disease
  • 20th-21st Century

    20th-21st Century
    *Laparoscopic Surgery
    *Minimal Invasive Surgery
  • New Medications were developed

    New Medications were developed
    *Insulin discovered and used to treat diabetes
    *Antibiotics developed to fight infections
  • New machines developed

    New machines developed
    *1943: Kidney Dialysis Machine
    *1953: Heart Lung Machine
    *1953: Structure of DNA discovered and research in gene therapy begins
  • 20th Century

    20th Century
    *1956: First Bone Marrow Transplant
    *1978: Test tube babies
  • Organ Transplants

    Organ Transplants
    *1960: Kidney
    *1963: Liver
    *1967: Heart
    *1982: Artificial Heart
  • 1970s

    Targeted Cancer Therapies
    *Interfere with the spread of cancer by blocking cells involved in tumor growth
    *Identify and kill the cancer cells
  • 1990

    Smoke Free Laws
    * Decrease in 2nd Hand smoke
  • 1996

    Advances in HIV Medication
    *Turned a death sentence disease into a manageable chronic disease - Normal life span
  • 20th Century Vaccines

    20th Century Vaccines
    *Oral Polio-1962
    *Chicken Pox-1974
    *Hepatitis B-1981
    *Hepatitis A-1992
    *Lyme Disease-1998
  • 1999

    Rapid advances in Stem Cell Research
    *Re-Create lost/damaged tissue
  • 2001

    *The first totally implantable artificial heart was placed in a patient in Louisville, Ky. In
  • 2003

    Human Genome Project Completed
    *Mapped out human diseases in an effort to get an handle on genetic and autoimmune diseases
  • 2005 and Vaccines

    2005 and Vaccines
    *2005: Face Transplants