4000 BCE
primitive times
illness was cause by evil spirits and punishment treated by witch doctors.
herbs and plants used as medicine.
lifespan of 20 years
trephining -
2996 BCE
ancient egyptions
health records recorded for the first time by physicians aka priests.
leeches used as medical treatment.
20-30 year lifespan -
1700 BCE
ancient chinese
20- 30 year lifespan
treating the body will cure the spirit in you
herbs in medicine -
1197 BCE
ancient greeks
modern medical science
diet and hygiene prevent disease
illness was a result of natural causes
25-35 year lifespan -
753 BCE
ancient romans
medical care for soldiers
hospitals were sacred
sewers for the first time ever
4 humors
25-35 lifespan -
dark ages
prayer to treat illness and disease
monks and priests provide care for sick patients
herbal medication
STILL no understanding of disease cause -
understanding of anatomy because of body dissection
printing press
anatomy book
30-40 years to live -
middle ages
greek and roman medical practice
Bubonic plague RIP 75% of pop. in europe and asia
medical universities -
16 and 17th centuries
human body knowledge increased
ligatures to stop bleeding
early pharmacists
microscope -
18th century
first thermometer
tube feeding
smallpox vaccines
40-50 years to live -
19 century
advancements due to discoveries of microorganisms, anesthesia, and vaccinations
first open heart surgery
women active in health care
40-60 years to live -
20th century
ABO blood groups discovered
new medications like insulin and antibiotics
new machines like kidney dialysis and heart lung
bone marrow transplant
test tube babies
lots of organ transplants
lots of vaccines -
21th century current and some 20th
smoke free laws
cancer treatments
HIV advancements
artificial hearts
face transplants and vaccines