History of medicine

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle ages

  • 900


    discovered diffrence between smallpox and measles
  • 1010


    Avicenna writesThe Book of Healing and The Canon of Medicine and its hugely influencal
  • 1249


    Roger Bacon invents spectacles which came hugely popular by the 1300s
  • 1288

    Hospital of Santa Maria Nuova

    The hospital of Santa Maria Nuova founded in Florence, it was strictly medical.
  • 1300

    Abraham of Aragon

    a Jewish physician specializing in diseases of the eye
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1348

    The plague

    The plague
    The plague or black death was a huge disease out break that wiped out half of englands population.
  • 1400

    Medical universities

    in the 14th century the had developed in western europe class that could be classified as medical schools and could study as a master phsician
  • 1510

    Ambroise Paré

    Ambroise Paré
    Ambroise Paré is a french barber surgeon for the kings and is considered a father of surgery
  • Girolamo Fabrici

    Girolamo Fabrici studies leg veins and notices that they have valves which allow blood to flow only toward the heart
  • Blood cells discovered

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovers blood cells
  • Giacomo Pylarini

    Giacomo Pylarini
    Giacomo Pylarini was a physician who became the first to attempt to prevent disease through inoculation by injecting children with smallpox
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revotution

  • First successful appendetomy

    Claudius Aymand performs the first successful appendectomy
  • discovers nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, ammonia, hydrogen chloride and oxygen

    Joseph Priestley discovers nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, ammonia, hydrogen chloride and oxygen
  • Edward jenner

    Edward jenner
    Edward Jenner develops a smallpox vaccination method the first vaccine of any disease
  • anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide

    Humphry Davy discovers the anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • different human blood types

    Karl Landsteiner discovers the existence of different human blood types
  • First vaccine for diphtheria

    First vaccine for diphtheria
  • First vaccine for pertussis

    First vaccine for pertussis
  • cpr

    Invention of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  • oral polio vaccine

    oral polio vaccine
    First oral polio vaccine (Sabin)
  • Period: to

    21 Century

  • hpv vaccine

    hpv vaccine
    First HPV vaccine approved.
  • prosthetic eye

    prosthetic eye
    The visual prosthetic (bionic eye) Argus II.
  • human liver grown from stem cell

    The first human liver was grown from stem cells in Japan
  • kideney grown in vitro

    The first kidney was grown in vitro in the U.S.
  • 3d printer skull transplant

    A 3D printer is used for first ever skull transplant.
  • 3d printed heart from patient celld

    3D-print heart from human patient's cells.