4000 BCE
Primitive Times
-In primitive times people believed that sickness was caused by evil spirits and demons but also a punishment from god
- They tried to treat with ceremonies.
- mostly just plants and herbs used for medicine.
- Surgery was mostly just removing a bone from the skull.
- People usually live to 20 years old. -
3000 BCE
Ancient Eggyptians
-Bloodletting or leeches were used as a medical treatment.
- lifespan was 20-30 years old
-Health records were first recorded by ancient Egyptians -
1700 BCE
Ancient Chinese
- Belived you could heal the body by using spirits etc. -Mostly used herbs. -Began to research medical illness prevention.
1650 BCE
-Rebirth of science medicine.
-Body dissections led to more understanding about the body and its functions.
-Inventing of the printing press.
The first anatomy book was published.
-Life span was 30-40 years old.
- Disease was still a mystery. -
1400 BCE
Middle Ages
-Deiseses were like leading causes of death in Europe and Asia Most of the major diseases were smallpox, diphtheria, tuberculosis, typhoid, plaque, and malaria.
-Medical Universities were established.
- Life span was 20-35 years old. -
1200 BCE
Ancient Greeks
-Hippocrates was in this time, he was the first to observe the human body which led to modern medical sciences. He also believed illness is a natural cause. Used different types of treatment such as massage, art therapy, and herbal treatment. Did not have good hygiene to prevent diseases.
- Life span was 25-35 years old. -
800 BCE
Dark Ages
- Empahis believed the soul and study of medicine were prohibited. -Prayers and divine intervention were used to treat diseases and illnesses.
- Priests and Monks were custodial care for sick people. -Medicenes were herb mixtures. -Average life span is 20-30 years old.
- Dieses were the most average cause of death.
753 BCE
Ancient Romans
- First time period to provide care for injured soldiers. -First public health and sanitation were built, -Believed the body was made of four things, blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. -life span was 25-35 years old.
16th and 17th century
-Knowledge of the human body really increased.
- A French surgeon established the use of ligatures to stop bleeding.
-Apothecaries were made to prevent sickness.
-Invention of microscope. (Some enlightenment because of the microscope)
The average lifespan was 35-45 years old. -
18th Century
- The creation of the first thermometer (1686-1736) -Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals. -John Astablshed surgical procedures and introduced feeding tubes. -SmallPox vaccine was discovered. -Average lifespan was 40-50 years old.
19th Century
- An X-ray machine was developed. (1895)
- First open heart surgery. (1893) -Invention of the stethoscope. (1816)
- Formal training for nurses finallt begin. (1860) The average lifespan was 40-60 years old.
20th Century
-ABO bloodlines discovered. They also found out how white blood cells prevent diseases.
-New medications were developed.
- Figured how to treat diseases, and also to figure out how to treat infections.
- Many new machines devolped such as kidney dialysis, and heart-lung machines.
-DNA research began.
-First bone marrow transplant.
-Test tube babies.
-Organ transplants such as kidney, liver, heart, artificial heart. -
21st Century
-Begin looking for targeted cancer therapies.
-Laparoscopic surgery is a very minimal surgery.
-Making smoke-free laws so less smocking.
-Advances in HIV medicine which turned into a death sentence diesese.
-Also a very rapid growth in stem cell research which helped with damage or loss of tissue.