History Of Medicine-Arielle Hebison

  • 4000 BCE

    Illness and Disease caused by spirits

    Illness and Disease caused by spirits
    In this time they started using herbs and plants as medicine. This created morphine and Digitalis. The act of surgically removing a piece of bone from the skull, this was called Trepanation
  • 3000 BCE

    The Priests

    The first health records were recorded by the Egyptians. Blood Sucking Leeches were used as medical treatment. The average lifespan goes from 20 to 20-30.
  • 1700 BCE

    The Spirit

    The Spirit
    During this time they believed you needed to treat the whole body and spirit to get better. There was recorded use of medications based on herbs and acupuncture. The lifespan stays the same
  • 1200 BCE

    The source

    Many physicians went on to find the source of illnesses. Through this they urged people to watch their diet, exercise, hygiene, and they would also say natural causes would impact it. The lifespan went up to 25-35.
  • 753 BCE


    Many medical instruments were founded during this time such as forceps, scalpels, and catheters.
  • 400

    Dark ages

    Medicine was still rooted in Greek Tradition. They also said that the body was made of four humors: yellow bile, phlegm, black bile, and blood. Those were controlled by the four elements: fire, water, air and earth.
  • 800

    Greek and Romans

    During this time is when the Bubonic plague took out over 75% of the population. More diseases also came out such as small pox, diptheria, tuberculosis, typhoid, and malaria. Medical Universities were founded.
  • 1350


    Many dissections were made which led to a better understanding of the human body. The printing press made it much easier to spread medical information. The life span went up to 30-40 years.
  • The body

    This is when information regarding the human body came to be. Surgery improved because Ambroise Pare found a way to stop the bleeding. Medicines were being sold at pharmacies. The microscope was made which helped to see what organisms cause a disease. The lifespan went up to 35-45 years.
  • Time

    The vaccine for small pox was found. Mercury thermometers and Bifocals were invented. John Hunter improved surgery and tube feeding. The lifespan goes up to 40-50 years.
  • Rapid

    Many things changed because anesthesia, microorganisms, stethoscope, and vaccines were made. The X-Ray machine was made. Women became part of medicine because the spot of nurses came to be. The lifespan goes up to 40-60 years.
  • Blood

    The way that blood impacts sicknesses and diseases was found out. The structure of DNA which helped in gene therapy. Two very important machines were found, The heart and lung machine .
  • New Discoveries

    The first Bone marrow transplant was performed. Organ Transplants were performed: heart, Lung, Kidney, and an artificial Heart.
  • Vaccines

    When we got to the 1920's so many remarkable life saving vaccines. All of these had a huge impact on medicine because it prevented the diseases that were the sources of many deaths
  • New and Improved

    New and Improved
    In this time the first implantable heart was placed in a patient. Then the genome project was finished, this made it easier to get a handle on genetic and autoimmune disease. A face Transplant was also performed. Finally, the newest vaccines came out.