History of Medicine- Angela Zervudakis

  • 4000 BCE

    Primitive Times

    Primitive Times
    -Illnesses were caused by demons and evil spirts, or it was a punishment from the gods.
    -Herbs and plants were used as medicine
    - Tribal witch doctors treated illness with ceremonies
    - Life span was 20 years
  • 3000 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egyptians
    • Bloodletting or leeches were used as medical treatment
    • Physicians were preists
    • Believed praying was a soulution the health problems
    • Time span was 20-30
  • 1700 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    • Belived in needing to treat the whole body by curing the spirit and nourishing the body
    • began searching for meical reasons for illness
    • Life span was 20-30 years
  • 1200 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Ancient Greeks
    -Hippocrates (Father of medicine) and other physicians
    -first to observe the human body and the effects of diseases that lead to modern medical sciences.
    -Believed illness is a result of natyral causes.
    -Average life span 25-35
  • 753 BCE

    Ancient Romans

    Ancient Romans
    -First to organize medical care by providing care for injured soldiers.
    -First public health and sanatation systems by building sewers and aqueducts
    -Life span 25-35
  • 400

    Dark Ages

    Dark Ages
    -Lost interest in Ancient Greeks and Romans discoveries
    -Prayer and divine intervention were used to treat illness and disease
    -Medication was a herb mix
    -Average life span 20-30
  • 800

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    -Gained back interest in medical practices of Ancient Greeks and Romans
    -Arabs began to require physicians pass examinations and obtain licsens
  • 1350


    -Rebirth of science and medicine
    -Dissection of a body made it a beeter understanding for anatomy and physiology
    Micheal Servetus described the circulatory system in the lungs and explained how digestion is a source of heat for the heart.
    -Invention of printing press allowed medical knowladge to be shared-- First anatomy book was published by Andreas Vesaluis
    -Disease cause is still a mystery
    - Life span was 30-40
  • 1501

    16th and 17th Centuries

    16th and 17th Centuries
    -Knowlage regarding the human body greatly increased
    -A French Surgeon, Ambroise Pare used ligatures to stop bleeding
    -An early pharmacist, Apothecaries made, perscribed, and sold medications
    -Zacharius Janssen invented microscopes
    The invention of thermometers
    -Cause of death is still not known, people die from infections
    Life span is 35-45
  • 18th Century

    18th Century
    -Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals
    -John Hunter established scientific surgical procedures and introduced tube feeding
    -John Brown expounded his view that there were only two diseases, sthenic (strong) and asthenic (weak)
    -Smallpox vaccine discovered
    -Life span was 40-50
  • 19th Century

    19th Century
    -Rapid advancements due to discoveries of microorganisms, anesthesia, and vaccinations
    -First Open Heart Surgery
    -Infection control developed once microorganisms were associated with disease
    -Rene Laennec invented the stethoscope
    -Formal training for nurses began
    -Women became active participants in health care
    -Average life span is 40-60
  • 20th Century

    20th Century
    -RAPID GROWTH in Health Care
    -ABO blood groups discovered
    -Found out how white blood cells protect against disease
    -The structure of DNA and research in gene therapy (Ongoing)
    -Insulin discovered and used to treat diabetes
    -Antibiotics developed to fight infections
    -Kidney Dialysis Machine
    -Heart Lung Machine
    -First Bone Marrow Transplant
    -Test tube babies
    -Organ Transplants
    -Kidney, Liver & Heart

    -Vladimir Demikhov implanted the first artificial heart
  • 21st Century

    21st Century
    -Map out human diseases to get an handle on genetic and autoimmune diseases
    -Re-Create lost/damaged tissue
    -Advances in HIV Medication
    -Turned a “death sentence disease” into a manageable chronic disease
    -Interfere with the spread of cancer by blocking cells involved in tumor growth
    -Identify and kill the cancer cells
    -Laparoscopic Surgery
    -Minimal Invasive Surgery
    -Smoke Free Laws
    -Face Transplants
    -Human Papillomavirus Vaccine
    -Prevent Cervical Cancer