History of Medicine-Amayah Defares

  • 4000 BCE

    Primate Times

    Primate Times
    • They believed that illnesses were caused by evil spirits/a punishment by the Gods.
    • Treble/which doctors were the ones who were assigned to take care of the sick.
    • They used herbs and plants as medicine. -They would put a whole in your skull to ¨ Let out all the bad demons ¨ aka the sickness.
    • They normally lived to about 20 years old.
  • 3000 BCE

    Ancient Egypt

    Ancient Egypt
    • Physicists were Priest
    • Blood was cleaned up by leaches
    • They lived about 20-30 years
  • 1700 BCE

    Ancient China

    Ancient China
    -They believed that they need to nourish and cure the whole body in order to let the spirit out.
    - They began to search for more medical reasons as to why people were getting sick.
    - There life span was about 20- 30 years old.
  • 1200 BCE

    Ancient Greek

    Ancient Greek
    • Hippocrates is the father of medicine.
    • They were the first to examine the human body and the effects the different diseases have on them.
    • They believed that illnesses were caused by all natural causes.
    • They used therapies
    • They were big on hygiene and health
    • Lived to about 25-35
  • 753 BCE

    Ancient Romans

    Ancient Romans
    • First to organize medical care for the sick and injured.
    • Created the first public health systems.
    • They believed that our bodies were regulated by four body humors: blood, phlegm,black bile, and yellow bile.
    • They lived up to 25-35 years old.
    • 753bc - AD 410
  • 400

    Dark Ages

    Dark Ages
    • They were big and saved the souls of the sick.
    • The study of medicine was prohibited.
    • Prayer was used to save/cure the sick.
    • Monks and Priest were the care givers of the sick.
    • Medications were mainly all herbs.
    - Their life span was 20-30 years old
  • 800

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    • Renewed the interest in medicine.
    • The bubonic plague killed about 75% of the population.
    • Many new sicknesses came along.
  • 1350


    • Rebirth of science and medicine.
    • Body dissections lead to more discoveries of anatomy and physiology.
    • They invented the printing press.
    • The first anatomy book was published.
    • The average life span was 30-40
  • 16 and 17th Centuries

    16 and 17th Centuries
    • People were regaining knowledge.
    • Ambrosia Pare, a French surgeon, known as the Father of Modern Surgery established use of ligatures to stop bleeding
    • Apothecaries (early pharmacists) made, prescribed, and sold medications
    • Invention of the microscope
    • Cause of disease still not known – many people died from infections
    • Average life span 35-45 years
  • 18th Centuries

    18th Centuries
    • 1714: Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736) created the first mercury thermometer
    • 1760: Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals
    • 1778: John Hunter established scientific surgical procedures and introduced tube feeding
    • 1798: Smallpox vaccine discovered
    • Average life span 40-50 years
  • 19th Centuries

    19th Centuries
    • Rapid advancements due to discoveries of microorganisms, anesthesia, and vaccinations
    • 1895: X-Ray Machine Developed
    • 1893: First Open Heart Surgery
    • Infection control developed once microorganisms were associated with disease
    • 1816: Invention of the stethoscope
    • 1860: Formal training for nurses began
    • Women became active participants in health care
    • Average life span 40-60 years
  • 20th

    • 1901: ABO blood groups discovered
    • Found out how white blood cells protect against disease
    • New medications were developed
    • 1922: Insulin discovered and used to treat diabetes
    • 1928: Antibiotics developed to fight infections (penicillin)
    • 1943: Kidney Dialysis Machine
    • 1953: Heart Lung Machine
    • 1953: Structure of DNA discovered and research in gene therapy begins
    • 1956: First Bone Marrow Transplant -Initiated Embryonic Stem Cell Research
    • Test tube baby's
  • 20th Century

    20th Century
    1910: Laparoscopic Surgery
    Minimal Invasive Surgery
    1970’s: Targeted Cancer Therapies
    Interfere with the spread of cancer by blocking cells involved in tumor growth
    Identify and kill the cancer cells
    1990: Smoke Free Laws
    Decrease in 2nd Hand Smoke
    1996: Advances in HIV Medication
    Turned a “death sentence disease” into a manageable chronic disease – Normal Life Span
    1999: Rapid advances in Stem Cell Research
    Re-Create lost/damaged tissue