Barber surgeons cut hair, perform surgery, barber pole symbol popularized
Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500
Middle Ages
Aug 5, 900
Discovery of the differences between small pox and measles
Jun 4, 1000
Medical care becomes regulated
Feb 9, 1200
Famous Sicilian Physician -
Sep 27, 1400
Jacoba Felicie
Women tries to practice medicine but is declined -
Period: Jan 1, 1501 to
Use of scientific method begins
Human Anatomical studies allowed
Printing Press allows for publication of discoveries
Robert Hooke
Most famous for the discovery of "cells" -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Edward Jenner discovered 1st vaccination
Discovery of blood cells, bacteria, protozoa, and stethoscope
Louis Pasteur (microbiology) pasteurization of milk
Marie Curie discovers science of radioactivity
Bubonic plague hits San Francisco
Period: to
Modern World
Discovery of organ transplants, X-rays, radium for cancer treatments, MRI, CAT scans
Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
First HMO insurance
WHO declares smallpox eradictated
AZT is used to combat AIDS
Period: to
21st Century
Steve Thomas used sterile maggots for infectious wound treatment
Electronic Health Records in use
Gardasil approved by the FDA
*Gardasil- a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer -
Scientists discover how to use human skin cells to create embryonic stem cells
The first FDA approved implanted AbioCor artifical heart placed in a patient