Period: 500 to 1300
Middle Ages
Discovered difference between measles and smallpox -
The Canon of Medicine
Avicenna's The Canon of Medicine, a medical encyclopedia written in circa 1030 which summarized the medicine of Greek, Indian and Muslim physicians, was written. -
Invention of Spectacles.
Roger Bacon invents spectacles. -
Ibn al-Nafis
He was the first to explain the pulmonary circulation of blood, he is know as the father of circulatory physiology. -
Islamic Hospitals
Islamic hospitals were made to provide health care for the sick. -
Period: 1301 to
Jacoba Felicie
She was denied access to practice medicine. -
William Harvey
William Harvey publishes An Anatomical Study of the Motion of the Heart and of the Blood in Animals which forms the basis for future research on blood vessels, arteries and the heart. -
Reflective Microscope
Allowed study of microorganisms like bacteria -
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
Leeuwenhoek can describe bacteria. -
Discovery of Plague Fleas
Francis Bacon discovered plague fleas using a microscope. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
First Vaccination
Edward Jenner discovered the first vaccination for smallpox. -
Medical Asepsis
Joseph Lister begins the practice of Medical Asepsis -
Robert Koch
Discovery of pathogens -
Ignaz Semmelweiz
He shows the importance of hand washing. -
Stop of Cholera Outbreak
John Snow stops the cholera outbreak. -
Bubonic Plague hits San Francisco
The deadliest plague of all time hits San Francisco -
Period: to
Modern World
Alexander Fleming
First person to discover penicillin -
Salk discovers polio vaccine. -
Smallpox Eradicated
WHO declares smallpox officially eradicated. -
AZT used to combat AIDS
Period: to
21st Century
Steve Thomas
First person to use sterile maggots for infectious wound treatment -
Gardasil approved by FDA
Gardasil, a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer, approved by the FDA -
Dr. GeroHütter
Dr. GeroHütter was the first one to successfully cure an HIV/AIDS patient by transplanting bone marrow from an HIV-immune patient. -
First artificial heart placed in a patient
The first FDA approved artificial heart called AbioCor is placed in a patient, the patient died on August 23. -
3D Visualization and Augmented Reality for Surgery
Students at Duke University have innovated new ways to improve surgical experiences by providing 3D visualization for surgeons.