History of Medicine

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    Galen invented the Tracheotomy and it is a life saving procedure that opens up the airways so that a perosn can breathe easier
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    Barber surgeons cut hair but they also performed surgeries. regular doctors and consultants believed that surgery was beneath their stature so that is why the barbers did it
  • Period: 200 to Sep 10, 1400

    Middle Ages

  • Sep 10, 1300

    Islamic Hospitals

    Healthcare for the sick. They held the sick and were used for medical education
  • Sep 10, 1400

    Jacoba Felicie

    Frenchwoman Jacoba Felicie tries to practice medicine but is denied because she is a woman
  • Printing Press

    Printing Press are allowed to publicate stories over discoveries that have occured in the medical field
  • Scientific Method

    People start suing the scientific method. It was used to identify certain compounds
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  • Anatomical Studies

    Doctors are now allowed to do anaomical studies on poeple to learn about how the body works and its functions
  • Microscope

    Robert Hooke, invented the first reflective microscope so that they could more closely exmaine certain things
  • Bacteria

    Antonie Vna Leeuwenhoek describes bacteria Looked through a microscope and was able to tell teh general characteristics of different bacteria
  • Plague Fleas

    Francis Bacon uses a microscope to discover the plaue fleas. That were found on Rats and small animals causing the bubonic plague
  • Discovery of blood cells, bacteria, protozoa, and stethoscope

    Galens misconceptions were fixed when William Harvey discovered the truth about blood cells and bacteria
  • 1st Vaccination

    Edward Jenner discovered the first vaccination for small pox to help people prevent them
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    Industrial Revolution

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    Louis Pastuer discovered the pasteurization of milk which is the process of rmeoving the fat content in milk to make it healthier
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    Medical Aspesis

    Joseph Lister started the practice of medical aspesis which is being free form microorganisms and bacteria
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    Robert Koch discovered pathogens whoch is the broadest sense of what can cause a disease
  • handwashing

    Ignaz Semmelweis tells the importance of hand washing to prevent diseases and sickness
  • Cholera

    John Snow stops the outbreak of Cholera by changing the water and waste systems he prevented it and helped other England cities prevent it too
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    Marie Curie discovers the science of radioactivity and learned how to seperate two certain elements to control it
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    Bubonic Plague

    the Bubonic plague hits San Francisco through ChinaTown and for two years was ignored by the Californian governor
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    Alexander Fleming discovers Penicillan which is an antibiotic that protects against disease
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    Modern World

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    First HMO insurance
  • Polio Vaccine

    Salk Discovers the polio vaccine which is custom made so that the outbreak of polio could be contained
  • smallpox eradicated

    WHO eradicated smallpox in 1980 and since then it is no longer an epidemic.
  • Period: to

    health care

    health rate growth is uninsured and completely enexpensed
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    AZT is used to fight against AIDS its a transreverse inhibitor it works to slow the virus down because it can only be treated not gotten rid of
  • New discoveries

    discovery of organ transplants x-rays radium for cancer patients MRI and CAT scans
  • Difference between smallpoz and measles

    Rhazes understoof there was a difference between the two and that they both needed to be in clean sterile environments because of tehir infectious natures
  • medical care is regulated

    all medical is becoming more consistent and better defined
  • Christina Monasteries

    They were founded to treat the ill. The building served as common use forholding the sick and was believed to heal them