Eye surgery
A common procedure around the 500's was eye surgery. Eye surgery was performed using a technique called "needling". This was where the flat edge of a needle was pushed against the cornea of the eye to remove the cataract. It was done with no anesthetic and resulted in an uneven focus of the eye. People who got this surgery were able to see enough to plow a field and read the big letters of an eye test but not able to read the bible. -
Barber Surgeon
In the middle ages barbers not only cut hair but also performed surgeries and medical practices such as blood letting. They costed less than an actual healthcare physician and were called upon often. -
The First Pharmacy was Established
The first ever pharmacy was established in Baghdad. The pharmacy was know as the art of knowing simple medicine and would create herb based medications prescribed by physicians. It proved to be very popular and more soon opened up around the Arabic world and by the 12th century they were adapted in Europe. -
Smallpox is Identified
Persian physician Rhazes identifies smallpox and suggest blood as the cause for the disease. -
Roger Bacon invents spectacles
Roger Bacon was the first person to invent spectacles also known as glasses. -
Mondino de Luzzi
Mondino de Luzzi was an Italian physician that conducted a public human dissection for his students and spectators. He then went on to write a book "Anathomia corporis humani" which is considered to be the first example of a modern dissection and the first true anatomical text. -
Jacoba Felicie
Jacoba was tried for practicing medicine and was forbidden to do so. -
Microscope is Invented
Zacharius Jannssen inveted the microscope. It was a very simple microscope that could not magnify much. -
Blood cells are discovered
Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovers blood cells -
The first stethoscope was first invented and allowed doctors to listen to internal noises of patients. -
First successful blood transfusion
James Blundell performed the first successful transfusion of human blood. -
Anesthesia is first used
John Collins Warren provided the first demonstration of anesthesia during surgery. -
Germs are identified as a cause of disease
This discovery was made by Louis Pasteur, a french chemist and microbiologist. -
Germ Theory of Disease
Created by Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur, the germ theory of disease basically stated that germs could come in and invade your body causing illness. -
Cardiac Pacemaker
Created by Paul Zoll the cardiac pacemaker keeps hearts running on beat when they don't -
Human Heart Transplant
The first human heart transplant was performed by surgeon Christiaan Bernard. -
Test Tube Baby
The first test tube baby was born -
Smallpox is eradicated
Smallpox a deadly disease is put to an end and no one has it -
HIV is identified
First cancer vaccine
First vaccine to target cancer is invented -
Digital Diabetes Tracker
The tracker goes onto the patient and is able to be tracked from an electronic device -
Clinical Trials of CRISPR
CRISPR is a way to go into an unborn babies DNA and change it to make the child have traits of the parents choice. -
Cancer immunotherapy approved
The FDA finally approved immunotherapy for cancer patients which detects and destroys more cancer cells -
Telehealth is a way for doctors to see patients over the phone and treat them. This is important for if a patient is in a rural area or unable to be moved.