History of Medicine

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle ages

  • 754


    The first pharmacy was created in Baghdad in the year 754, they proved to be very popular and soon were all over the arabic world
  • 900


    Discovered the difference between small pox and measles
  • 1200


    nobodies really sure when they were created but they were popular in the 13th century
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1347

    Black Plague

    Black Plague
    The black plague was one of the most deadly epidemics in history killing of a third of Europe's population
  • 1453

    Leonardo Da vinci

    Leonardo Da vinci
    Among other talents he was an expert in anatomy, and a pioneer in the study of bio mechanics as hospitals allowed him to dissect corpses which was relatively new back then
  • 1478

    Girolamo Fracastoro

    Girolamo Fracastoro
    First Doctor to suggest disease may come from pathogens
  • Period: to

    Industrial revolution

  • Scurvy

    The cause and cure for scurvy was discovered by a surgeon named James Lind
  • William Withering

    William Withering
    He had Heard of a man who had recovered from dropsy after drinking herbal medicine brewed from foxglove he then studied for 10 yrs about herbal medicine and published his findings pioneering the way for sorts of modern medicines
  • Smallpox vaccine

    Smallpox vaccine
    Given to us by a man named Edward Jenner who was curious as to why milkmaids were immune to smallpox
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Insulin

    It was discovered in 1922 but was first tested on humans in 1923 on 14 yr old diabetic boy
  • Penicillin

    Discovered by a man name Alexander Fleming penicillin was the first true antibiotic and would go on to be used for generations
  • Heart Surgery

    Heart Surgery
    While it was done throughout the modern era Floyd Lemming was the one who revolutionized it by figuring out how to slow the heart down so doctors did go in blindly cutting
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Stem Cells

    Stem Cells
    stem cells were first tested to treat a spinal injury, 2 yrs later they would be used to treat blindness
  • 3D printed body parts

    3D printed body parts
    People figured out how to make prosthetic parts that work like the real thing with a 3D printer making it quicker and cheaper to get them
  • Artificial Eyes

    Artificial Eyes
    Known as Argus 2 this device is used to help people with deteriorating eyes see light and color, and in the near future could be the cure for blindness