History of Medicine

  • 12

    Medical Schools

    Medical schools began to spread throughout Europe.
  • 65

    Materia Medica

    Materia Medica
    Discorides wrote his Materia Medica
  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 1140

    Roger of Sicily

    Roger of Sicily
    Roger of Sicily forbade anyone from practicing medicine without a licence.
  • 1180

    Apothecary Shops

    Apothecary shops opened in important towns.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1346

    Black Death

    The plague caused many death across Europe
  • 1350


    small pox broke out in North and South America
  • 1423

    Surgical procedures

    Surgical procedures improved and survival from even simple procedures increased
  • 1553

    Girolamo Fracastoro

    Girolamo Fracastoro suggested that epidemics may come from pathogens outside the body
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    William Harvey discovered that the heart pumps blood around the body
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Quinine

    Cures, such as Quinine from the bark of the Quina tree was discovered to treat malaria
  • James Lind

    James Lind
    Scottish naval surgeon, discovers that citrus fruits prevent scurvy.
  • Vaccines

    Edward Jenner creates a vaccine for small pox by exposing someone to cow pox
  • Sir Humphry Davy

    Sir Humphry Davy announces an anesthetic property of nitrous oxide
  • James Blundell

    James Blundell performs the first successful transfusion of human blood
  • X rays

    X rays
    German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovers X rays.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Blood Type

    Karl Landsteiner describes blood compatibility and rejection. what happens when a person receives a blood transfusion from another human of either compatible or incompatible
  • Sir Fredrick Gowland Hopkins

    Sir Fredrick Gowland Hopkins
    Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins suggests the existence of vitamins and concludes they are essential to health
  • Insulin

    Insulin first used to treat diabetes.
  • Influenza vaccine

    Influenza vaccine
    First vaccine for influenza which helped the U.S. during WWII
  • Heart transplant

    South African heart surgeon Dr. Christiaan Barnard performs the first human heart transplant.
  • Human Genome

    Human Genome
    First draft of human genome is announced
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Prenatal nutrition

    Mary-Elizabeth Patti and colleagues at Joslin show that poor prenatal nutrition permanently damages the function of insulin-producing cells in the embryo’s pancreas,
  • Cholesterol

    Dana-Farber researchers identify a molecular mechanism in the liver that explains how eating foods rich in saturated fats and trans-fatty acids causes elevated blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Donald Ingber

    Donald Ingber
    Donald Ingber demonstrate how to turn cells on and off using magnets
  • Artificial Kidney

    The FDA approves the first wearable artificial kidney designed by Blood Purification Technologies Inc.