History of Medicine

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 536

    Sergius of Reshaina

    Sergius of Reshaina
    Christian theologian-physician who translated thirty-two of Galen's works into Syriac and wrote medical treatises of his own
  • 620

    Aaron of Alexandria Syriac

    He wrote 30 books on medicine, the "Pandects". He was the first author in antiquity who mentioned the diseases of smallpox and measles
  • 820


    Hospital founded, School of Salerno would grow around it.
  • 900


    Discovered difference between smallpox and measles.
  • 1242

    Ibn an-Nafis

    Ibn an-Nafis
    suggests that the right and left ventricles of the heart are separate and discovers the pulmonary circulation and coronary circulation
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1543

    Andrea Vesalius

    Andrea Vesalius
    Publishes De Fabrica Corporis Humani which corrects Greek medical errors and revolutionizes European medicine
  • 1546

    Epidemic Diseases

    Epidemic Diseases
    Girolamo Fracastoro proposes that epidemic diseases are caused by transferable seedlike entities.
  • 1553

    Miguel Serveto

    Miguel Serveto
    Describes the circulation of blood through the lungs. He is accused of heresy and burned at the stake
  • 1560

    William Fabry von Hilden

    William Fabry von Hilden
    Considered the father of surgery in Germany, he was one of the most important surgeons of this period. His main contribution is the
    that the amputation should be performed at the level of healthy tissues and not by the gangrenous zone.
  • 1563

    Garcia de Orta

    Garcia de Orta
    founds tropical medicine with his treatise on Indian diseases and treatments
  • Renaissance-Ambrosio Paré

    Renaissance-Ambrosio Paré
    He was the first to describe the femoral neck fracture and epiphyseal detachments in children
  • Microscope

    was invented, which played a huge part in medical advancement
  • Girolamo Fabrici

    Girolamo Fabrici
    studies leg veins and notices that they have valves which allow blood to flow only toward the heat
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Percival Pott

    Percival Pott
    He described the fractured ankle that bears his name
  • Jossep Clement

    Jossep Clement
    Publishes his book medical and surgical gymnastic or the different exercises of the body and rest in the cure of diseases
  • Modern Event-Rudolf Virchow

    Modern Event-Rudolf Virchow
    The theoretical basis of cellular pathology is very simple: cells constitute the smallest units of the organism with all the characteristic properties of life
  • Emil von Behring

    Emil von Behring
    discovers antitoxins and uses them to develop tetanus and diphtheria vaccines.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Louis Pasteur (microbiology) pasteurization of milk
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Alois Alzheimer

    Alois Alzheimer
    identifies the first case of what becomes known as Alzheimer's disease
  • Fredrick Hopkins

    Fredrick Hopkins
    suggests the existence of vitamins and suggests that a lack of vitamins causes scurvy and rickets
  • Han Christian Jacobaeus

    Han Christian Jacobaeus
    performs the first laparoscopy on humans
  • Tetanus

    First vaccine for tetanus
  • C. Walton Lillehei

    C. Walton Lillehei
    performs the first human pancreas transplant
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Carlos Urbani

    Carlos Urbani
    Of Doctors without Borders alerted the World Health Organization to the threat of the SARS virus, triggering the most effective response to an epidemic in history. Urbani succumbs to the disease himself in less than a month.
  • HPV

    First HPV vaccine approved.
  • Laurent Lantieri

    Laurent Lantieri
    Performs the first full face transplant.
  • Artificial pancreas

    Artificial pancreas
    The first ever artificial pancreas was created
  • 21st century-FLU

    21st century-FLU
    Three medications are chemically related antiviral medications, known as neuraminidase inhibitors, that inhibit the viral neuraminidase enzyme and act against influenza A and B viruses.