History of Medicine

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 659

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    Dental Amalgams
    -"The first use of a substance for tooth fillings, which was made up of silver and tin."
  • 754

    The Middle Ages

    The Middle Ages
    The First Pharmacy
    -The first pharmacy was established in Baghdad
  • 925

    Middle Ages

    Small Pox and Measles
    - Rhazes pediatrics, and makes the first clear distinction between smallpox and measles
  • 1020

    Middle Ages

    First Eye Surgery
    - Ammar ibn `Ali al-Mawsili performed the first successful eye surgery. Using a needle and removing a cataract.
  • 1231

    Middle Ages

    Medical Education in Universities
    -Frederick II promulgated a set of laws concerning medical education standards and licenses that were far ahead of his time.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1478


    -Plagues were discovered to come from pathogens outside of the body
  • 1510


    -Ambroise Paré from France, helped lay the foundations for modern forensic pathology and surgery.
  • 1543


    Published Book on the Human Anatomy
    -Vesalius published a book on human anatomy from the discoveries he had made from a dissected body.
  • 1578


    Human Body
    -The body was discovered how to pump blood from the heart
  • Renaissance

    The First Microscope
    -Zacharias Janssen built the first compound microscope
  • Period: to

    Indistrial Revolution

  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    - Vaccines were created and tested during this time in the world
  • Industrial Revolution

    - This was created and uses to help patients through long and painful surgeries
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Germ Theory
    - Germ theory helped us discover that diseases or sicknesses was not from generation but from air born bugs
  • Industrial Revolution

    French microbiologist Louis Pasteur proved through a simple experiment that infectious disease was a result of an invasion of specific microscopic organisms - also known as pathogens - into living hosts
  • Industrial Revolution

    Medical Imaging
    - Medical Imaging let doctors find out how you broke a bone or whether it was a fracture or how serious your injury was by a picture
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Modern World

    - This was the first antibiotic to hep cure sicknesses so people did not die most of the time and had a better chance of overcoming the sickness
  • Modern World

    Modern World
    Organ transplant
    - This operation allowed people with failing organs to receive new organs and live longer with another chance
  • Modern World

    Antiviral Drugs
    - These drugs helped kill pathogens in your blood that are stronger than the regular virus
  • Modern World

    Modern World
    Stem Cell Therapy
    - This was a great help to the medical history because it can help figure out what blood born conditions like old timers, Parkinson and strokes
  • Modern World

    - William B. Coley who injected inactive bacteria into cancerous tumours, achieving remission in some patients. However, it is only in the last 40 years that serious progress has been made in immunotherapy, particularly in respect to treating cancer.
  • 21st century

    Human Genome Discoveries
    - In 2000, scientists in with the International Human Genome Project released a rough draft of the human genome to the public. For the first time the world could read the complete set of human genetic information and begin to discover what our roughly 23,000 genes do.
  • 21st century

    21st century
    Heart Disease Deaths Drop
    - Heart attacks, called infarcts, were "big" and the damage to the heart muscle was often catastrophic, leading eventually to heart failure and death. By contrast, today treating a heart attack is all about speed: speed the patient to the hospital so that a clot that blocks the life-saving flow of blood can be "busted" with drugs like the genetically engineered tissue plasminogen activator or tPA
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • 21st century

    Study Finds Heart Cancer Risks
    - most doctors treating middle-age women believed that giving their patients hormones, either estrogen alone or estrogen combined with progestin, would protect their hearts from the ravages of age that seemed to attack women after menopause.
  • 21st century

    21st century
    3D Printed Body Parts
    - This could be used to make artificial limbs for people who have lost theirs or were born without
  • 21st century

    Seizure Stoppers
    - a company called NeuroPace revolutionised epilepsy therapy by developing the RNS System; the world’s first closed loop, brain-responsive neuromodulation system. The RNS System works by continually monitoring brain waves, and when it detects unusual activity, it emits electrical pulses before a seizure can occur. Since its initial release, NeuroPace has been working to refine the RNS System and has now produced what it calls the Next Gen RNS System