Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300
Middle Ages
Jun 3, 620
Aaron of Alexandria
Aaron of Alexandria Syriac . He wrote 30 books on medicine, the "Pandects". He was the first author in antiquity who mentioned the diseases of smallpox and measles[ -
Sep 17, 754
The first pharmacy was established in Baghdad in the year 754. -
May 23, 1020
First eye surgery
Ammar ibn `Ali al-Mawsili performed the first successful eye surgery. Using a needle and removing a cataract. -
Mar 14, 1260
originally a retreat for the blind, it became a hospital for eye diseases, and is now one of the most important medical centers in Paris. -
Jul 13, 1300
Cleaning wounds
13th-century surgeon Theodoric Borgognoni came up with an antiseptic method, where wounds were to be cleaned and then sutured to promote healing. He even had bandages pre-soaked in wine as a form of disinfectant. -
Period: Jan 1, 1301 to
Jun 24, 1493
Feb 24, 1530
ambroise pare
pioneered the treatment of gunshot wounds. Helps but lead way into more ways to treat gunshot wounds. -
The microscope was invented which let doctors see the parasites and diseases that were to little for the eye to see. -
John woodall
Ship surgeons used lemon juice to treat scurvy wrote "The Surgeons Mate" this allowed crewmen to be treated of a bad disease. -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
blood transfusion
Period: to
Modern World
felix hoffman
Made asprin from 1900 -
Period: to
21st Century