Period: 500 to 1300
Middle Ages
Rhazes discovered the difference between small pox and measles. -
Ibn an-Nafis
Ibn an-Nafis suggest that the right and left ventricles of the heart are separated and discovers the pulmonary circulation and coronary circulation -
Roger Bacon writes about convex lens spectacle for treating long-sightedness
Hospital Santa Maria Nuova is founded in Florence and is strictly medical
concave lens spectacles to treat myopia developed in Italy
Period: 1301 to
Human anatomical studies allowed
Use of scientific method begins
Printing Press
Allowed for publication of medical discoveries. -
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek describes bacteria -
Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon uses microscope to discover plague fleas -
Period: to
Industrial Revolution
Edward Jenner
Edward Jenner develpos the process of vaccination for smallpox, the first vaccines for any disease. -
Louis Pasteur
Louis Pasteur identifies germs as clause of disease. -
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovers X-rays
First vaccin developed for typhoid fever
First vaccine developed for Bubonic plague
Period: to
Modern World
Karl Landsteiner
Karl Landsteiner introduces the system to classify blood into A, B, AB, and O groups -
Earle Dickson invented the Band-Aid
Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
The first heart transplant is performed by Christiaan Barnard
MRI scanning is introduced
Period: to
21st Century
Jean-Michel Dubernard performs the first partial face transplant
First HPV vaccine approved
Fist vaccine to target a cause of cancer
Laurent Lantieri performs the first full face transplant
The first artificial pancreas was created