Period: 500 to 1300
The Middle Ages
First Pharmacy
The first pharmacy was opened in Baghdad -
Rhazes discovered the difference between smallpox and measles. -
Middle age education
Around this time university started teaching more medicine and the practice of it. -
Early anathesiology
Theodoric Borgognoni would make patients fall unconscious by placing a sponge soaked in opium, mandrake, hemlock and other substances under their nose. -
Clean wounds
Bandages pre-soaked in wine were used as a form of disinfected -
Period: 1301 to
The Renaissance
The first portble watch
Architect Brunelleschi made the first portable watch was very important such as when timing pregnancy contractions and how much blood had been lost in a matter time and calculating bpm. -
Inside the Body Andreas Vesalius
Andreas Vesalius dissected human bodies and made detailed drawings of everything, this increased the knowledge of anatomy in the human body. -
The microscope
The microscope was and it had developed magnification up to 270x over the years. -
Circulatory system
William Harvey discovered the circulatory system and explained how it acted like a muscle and it contracted. -
Printing Press
Allowed for publication of medical discoveries. -
Period: to
The Industrial Revolution
Rene Laennec
He invents the stethoscope. -
The first successful blood tranfussion
First vaccine for cholera was invented
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovers X rays. -
First Vaccine for Plague
Period: to
Modern World
Insulin first used to treat diabetes
First vaccine for tuberculosis.
First vaccine for influenza
Paul Zoll
Paul Zoll develops the first cardiac pacemaker to control irregular heartbeat. -
First human heart tranplant
South African heart surgeon Dr. Christiaan Barnard performs the first human heart transplant. -
Period: to
21st Century
Human genome
A draft of the human genome was created to investigate bacteria in are body even further. -
Mini liver
A mini liver is generate from human cord blood stem cells by doctors at Newcastle University, U.K -
Stem cells
Doctor began to induce potential stem cells and also cloned human stem cells -
No smoke laws and campaigns reduce public smoking to try to reduce secondhand smoke. -
Bionic limbs
Advanced prosthetic leg that communicates with the users mind