History Of Medicine-Brown, Christopher Shaw

  • 4000 BCE


    Known as Primitive times, Most diseases and ailments were believed to be caused by evil spirits. Medical treatments included ceremonies and various Herbs.
  • 3000 BCE


    The Ancient Egyptian times lead to unusual medicinal ideologies. Physicians were most often Priests. Adding to that a primitive medical treatment was bloodletting. Leaches were also used.
    Lifespan 20-30 years
  • 1700 BCE

    1700BC- 220 AD Chinese

    Believed in treating the body as a whole along with the Soul. Vastly began medical research. Records show an old form of Herbal Medication.
    Lifespan 20-30
  • 1200 BCE

    1200-200BC Greeks

    Had the great Hippocrates known as the father of Medicine. He started to observe the effects of disease, leading to modern medicine. Figured out Illness was a natural cause. Used therapeutic services.
    Lifespan 25-35
  • 753 BCE

    753BC-410AD Romans

    Romans were the first to institutionalize medical care by giving it to injured soldiers. Hospitals eventually became a part of religion. Added public sanitation systems.
    lifespan 25-35
  • 400

    400-1400AD Dark And Middle Ages

    Dark Ages:
    Medicine was put into the soul and medicinal study was banned. Religion and priests were heavily involved and believed to be able to cure by Prayer.
    Middle Ages:
    Sparked interest In Greek And Roman Medicine. Arabs started requiring real physicians with licenses. Diseases like small pox, diphtheria, and tuberculosis plagued medicine. Added was The black plague that killed 75% of Europe.
    lifespan 20-35
  • 1500

    16th and 17th Centuries

    Sudden Boom in human Body knowledge. Ambroise Pare A French surgeon used ligatures to stop bleeding. Apothecaries were the starting pharmacists selling medication. Invention of the microscope was introduced giving the ability to see the diseases affecting us. Many people still died from infections.
    lifespan 35-45
  • 18th Century

    The invention of the first mercury thermometer was introduced in 1714. Bifocals were invented by Benjamin franklin. Many common surgical procedures were invented such as tube feeding. Smallpox vaccine discovered.
    lifespan 40-50
  • 19th Century

    Advancements in medicine and medical procedures boosted knowledge. Development of x-ray technology was started. Open heart surgery started happening. The stethoscope was invented, and nurses started having formal training.
    lifespan 40-60 years
  • 20th Century

    Massive advancements in medicine started becoming vastly common.
    Blood groups were discovered in 1901. Many new medications were produced. Insulin treated diabetes while antibiotics fought off infections. Kidney dialysis was introduced along with the heart lung machine. DNA was discovered and gene therapy began.
    Bone marrow transplants helped save people. Organ transplants started becoming common with organs like kidney, liver, and Heart. An odd science introduced was test tube babies.
  • 20th Century (continued)

    Many surgeries were centralized. Cancer therapies were more common, helping identify and treat cancer and stop the spread of it.
    Things like smoking laws helped prevent ailments caused by second hand smoke. Humans started advancing and actually taking care of themselves. Stem cell research, HIV medication. We started advancing and saving ourselves.
  • 21st Century

    With medical advances already booming, Focus was shifted rather from saving people to overall improving quality of life and lifespan. Things like the first true artificial heart, and face and tissue transplants. The genome project mapped out diseases to help control genetic and auto immune diseases. Many vaccines were introduced to deadly diseases like Ebola and Malaria. We are in a magnificent time of medicine.