History of Medicine

  • 220

    Eye surgery

    a process called " Needling" to preformed surgery, it evolved a thick flat needle, which doctors would push directory into the edge of a persons cornea, with no anesthetics
  • 400


    If a patient went into the doctors with a headache or a sore throat, it was common for a physician to open a vain with a lancet, and let blood flow into a container.
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    Ancient chinese

    Ancient Chinese used steel needles, herbal medicines, tree barks, and exercises as medicine to restore health. And while preforming surgery, doctors often used wine and hashish as an anesthesia for surgery.
  • 400

    Chinese picture

    Chinese picture
  • 400

    Bloodletting picture

    Bloodletting picture
  • Period: 500 to 1300

    Middle ages

  • 900


    Discovered the difference between measles and small pox
  • 1300

    Islamic hospitals

    Islamic hospitals for the sick were invented
  • Period: 1301 to


  • 1400

    Common diseases

    Bubonic Plague( killed 25 million of Europe's population), syphilis, the Puerperal Fever, and the Typhoid Fever
  • 1489


    Leonardo da Vinci dissects corpses
  • 1489

    Leonardo picture

    Leonardo picture
  • Common medical practice

    During the Plague, doctors wore long, leather coats, tall boots, protective hats and a large beak-shaped mask to protect against the Plague storing strong herbs meant to mask the sent of death.
  • Scientific method

    Use of scientific method began
  • Plague doctors

    Plague doctors
  • Reflective microscope

    It allowed the study of microorganisms like bacteria
  • Giacomo

    Giacomo Pylarini gives the first smallpox inoculations
  • Period: to

    Industrial revolution

  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner discovered first vaccination
  • Louie Pasteur

    Louie Pasteur pasteurized milk
  • Blood transfusion

    1818 human transfusion during childbirth
  • Red cross

    lead by Clara Barton through its founding and first two decades of service. The international Red Cross was founded on May 21 1881 in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Red cross picture

    Red cross picture
  • Blood transfusion

    Blood transfusion
  • Blood groups

    Blood groups
  • Period: to

    Modern world

  • Karl Landsteiner

    Karl Landsteiner introduces the system to classify blood into A, B, AB, and O groups
  • Flu

    Was the deadliest in the modern history. It has effected 1/3 of the worlds population.
  • Flu

  • Alexander Fleming

    Fleming discovered in "tissues and secretions". He discovered lysosome, and even came up with the name too.
  • Joseph E Murray

    American plastic surgeon/ first successful kidney transplant (on identical twins) Richard and Ronald Herrick (December 23, 1954)
  • Pacemaker

    Cardiac resuscitation VIA electrodes on bare chest with 2 milliseconds duration.
  • Human genome project

    Scientists are trying to get people to understand the complex bacterial systems and gene sequencing has helped researchers identify single genes that causes diseases in them.
  • Stem cell research

    Scientists are trying to create something that essentially can be programmed to become any type of cell in your body. It could help for curing diseases (also could help with repairing damaged tissues. They have also cloned human stem cells.
  • HIV cocktall

    Scientists are trying to treat HIV. (make the medication stronger). Atripla combined 3 antiretroviral drugs into one "daily cocktall" pill. 4 medications into one pill to make it stronger.
  • Stem cell research

    Stem cell research
  • Face transplant

    Face transplant
  • Period: to

    21st century

  • Jean- Michel

    Jean-Michel Dubernard performs the first partial face transplant.
  • Vaccine for cancer

    First vaccine to target a cause of cancer