The father of modern medicine. 400 BC -
Period: 400 to Jan 1, 1400
The dark ages
Medicine was only practiced by the church. -
Jan 1, 1200
first strict measures for controle of public hygiene instituted
Jan 1, 1400
first recorded regulations for mid-wives
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
The Renaissance
The rebirth of science -
Oct 7, 1400
Medical Schools built for the first time
Jan 1, 1500
Da Vinci dissected human bodies
Anton von Leluwenhoer invented the Microscope
Bed franklin invented bifocals and that colds are transferable
edward jenner found the vaccination for smallpox
joseph lister used antiseptic for the first time
Ignas Semmllweiss instituted hand washing
Louis Pasteur found the rabies vaccine
sigmond freud studied the effects of the mind
clara barton established the American Red Cross
elizabeth blackwell was the first woman to qualify as a doctor in the US
William Roentgen discovered X-rays
Albert Sabin created the oral polio vaccine
Marie Curie isolated radium
tissue cloning, dolly the sheep
gene therapy comes about
gene mapping is discovered
advances in scope surgery
Alexander Fleming descovered penicillin