Period: 400 to Jan 1, 1400
Dark and Middle ages
The study of medical science stopped for over 100 years. Medicine practiced only in monasteries and convents.
Used herbal medicine.
there were many paluges and epidemics- bubonic plague, small pox, diphtheria, syphilis, tuberculosis. -
Period: Sep 26, 1346 to Sep 26, 1353
Black Death
Jan 1, 1400
Medical schools were built
1400-1650 -
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
The Renaissance-
1.Rebirth of science
2. Medical schools were built
3. accepted the study of body by dissection -
Sep 26, 1450
Printing Press
Sep 26, 1492
Christopher Columbus
Jan 1, 1543
dissections of the human bodies were made and the firs tanatomical drawings
Andreas Vesalius and Leonardo Da Vinci -
Accepted the study of body by dissection
1400-1650 -
William Harvey described the circulation of blood and the pumping on the heart
colds could be passed from person to person discovered
Benjamin Franklin- also invented bifocals -
We became United States of America
first smallpox vaccine developed- Edward Jenner
invention of the stethoscope- Rene Laennec
Underground Railroad
Ignas Semmeiweiss
instituted hand washing -
first woman to quaaify as a doctor in the US- Elizabeth Blackwell
Florence Nightingale started the first nursing school
Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross
Rabies vaccine created
Louis Pasteur -
X-ray (Wilhelm Roentgen
helped doctors see inside the body to see what is wrong with a patient -
Isolated radium- Marie Curie
Penicillin was discovered- Sir Alexander Fleming
Penicillin was discovered- Alexander Fleming
Great Depression
Polio vaccine was developed
Jonas Salk discovered an altered polio virus vaccine
Albert Sabin created the oral polio vaccine
Christian Barnard
performed the workld's first heart transplant surgery -
First "test tube baby" Louise Brown
AID was named
Aids was announced to the public