3500-500 B.C
-Earliest people to keep accurate records
-Identified some specific diseases
-Used Medicines to heal disease
-Splinted fractures -
400 B.C.
-Began the study of disease
-Hippocrates ("The Father of Medicine" Wrote a code of ethics for physicians-Hippocratic Oath)
-Natural Explanations-Looked for natural causes rather tahn blaming gods or spirits.
-Clinical Observations -
Period: 400 to Jan 1, 1400
Dark and Middle Ages
400-1400 A.D.
-The study of medical science stopped for over 1000 years.
- Medicine practiced only in monasteries and convents.
- Used herbal Medicines.
- There were many plagues and epidemics: Bubonic plague, smallpox, diphtheria, syphilis, and tuberculosis. -
Jan 1, 1200
Public Hygiene Encouraged
First strict measures for control of public hygiene instituted by the Romans -
Jan 1, 1300
Diessection of Human Corpse
First Dissection of a human corpse was conducted. -
Period: Jan 1, 1400 to
The Renaissance
1400-1650 A.D.
- Rebirth of science: REnaissance stimulated medical practice just as it did all other European intellectual pursuits. -began scientifically studying medicine again.
-Printing press created "Information superhighway" of it's day.
-Medical schools were built
- Accepted the study of the body by dissection. (as long as the bodies were not 'God-fearing bodies' -
Description of Circulation
William Harvey discovered the circulation of blood from heart -back to heart. -
Bacteria Discovered
1670's Bacteria was discovered by Anton Van Leeuwenhoek. -
First Mercury Thermometer
First Mercury thermometer was made by Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1724. -
Vaccine For Smallpox
Edward Jenner developed a vaccine for smallpox. -
Observation on Smallpox
Edward Jenner discovered smallpox had evolved from cowpox. -
Practical Anesthetic Introduced
-First doctor to ever use an anesthetic was Joseph Lister
- William T.G. Morton used "ether" as Anesthetic. -
First Woman Doctor
Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman to qualify as a doctor in the U.S. ( She inspired Florence Nightingale to pursue nursing.) -
Louis Pasteur discovered/invented Pasteurization made milk safe to drink by heating it up before consuming it. -
American Red Cross
The American Red Cross Foundation started by Clara Barton. -
Discovery of Rabies Vaccine
Louis Pasteur introduced/discovered the first Rabies vaccination in 1885. -
Discovery of X-rays
William Roentgen discovered/first utilized the X-ray approach in medical history. -
Discovery of Penicillin
Sir Alexander Fleming -
Polio Vaccine
1950's- Jonas Edward Salk discovered the first sucessful polio vaccine. -
First Heart Transplant
Christain Barnard performed the world's first heart transplant surgery. (Sucessful) -
First "Test-Tube" Baby
Louise Brown was the first test-tube baby that has survived. -
Aids Gets Named
Aids gets it's name. -
Aids is Made Known.
The Virus "Aids" was first announced to the world. -
Scientists Clone Sheep
Dolly the sheep was the first mammal to be cloned by the process of nuclear transfer.