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History of Me Timeline

By Sotired
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was a C-section, and my dad almost decided to name me Kansas city, though thankfully he did not.
  • started learning to ski

    started learning to ski
    I don't remember much about starting to ski. But apparently, my parents helped me ski with them by putting a pole between them and having me hold it.
  • The earliest thing I can remember

    The earliest thing I can remember
    I remember having a birthday around this time, though it is very hazy.
  • California trip

    California trip
    I remember we panned for gold and went to the video game museum.
  • I went to Europe

    I went to Europe
    I do not remember much about this trip, but I do remember getting a bunch of samples of chocolate and buying a model ship.
  • I start my lifelong D&D addiction

    I start my lifelong D&D addiction
    My parents purchase me a D&D starter set, which inspires my interest in the hobby.
  • I went to Utah

    I went to Utah
    I remember getting stuck on a bus for a few hours in full ski gear.
  • My first "romantic" experience

    My first "romantic" experience
    I tried to ask a girl out in middle school and was fortunately rejected, this is honestly what made me realize the true nightmare that was middle school.
  • I enter Wayne

    I enter Wayne
    This is where I made a lot of my current friends, and not just people I knew through Nicky.
  • covid hit

    This event forced me to stay at home and destroyed most of my previous friendships
  • I entered therapy

    I entered therapy
    This helped me reckon with the lingering personal issues covid caused.
  • I realized I was bisexual

    I realized I was bisexual
    It was the culmination of a long period of confusion and really brought me some closure.