I was born to my parents Tonya and Brent Oechsle. -
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History of Thee Brendan Oechsle
First Musuem Visit
My first musuem visit may not seem like a significant historical event in my life, but it was what preceded my inspiration towards academics. Observing all the historical landmarks within Chicago musuems were what ultimately led me to appreciating the values of history and how it is important in our world today. Now, I go out of my way to obtain new knowledge to gain a better understanding of the world of which I inhabit. -
First Time Fishing
My first time fishing was when I was only 4 years old. This may not seem like a crucial, life changing event, but it was! This is because this was an event that marked the beginning of my passion for fishing. This hobby is my past-time. It is a way for me to relieve stress and take my mind off of the troubles of the world. Without it, I would have a much harder time managing the stress I accumulate from school. -
My First Sport
The first sport I ever competed in was swimming. I began swimming for Avalon in 2004. This event is significant to me as it marked the beginning of my passion and love for sports. Today, I play a variety of sports because I like to stay active and in shape. If it wasn't for this event in my life, I would not enjoy sports as much as I do today. -
First Book I enjoyed Reading
When it comes to reading books, I prefer novels that keep the reader guessing. In 2008, Holes was a book that met this criteria. It was the first book I genuinely enjoyed reading. This is significant as it evolved into one of my favorite hobbies today. Now, I read books often and it is a way for me to separate myself from the rest of the world. This event in particular allowed me to experience the tranquility of reading. -
First All-in-Black
Even though I have been shooting far before 2010, this was the moment I got an all-in-black at 15 yards with a .45 caliber pistol. This event may seem insignificant, but it was a goal I was seeking to accomplish for a very long time. This event allowed me to see that I can do anything I set my mind to. With that concept in mind, I went on to further improve my marksmanship, as well as many other skills that are important for future careers. -
First Football Season
The first football season I ever had was one of the worst. I threw up at practice, got yelled at by a coach, and did not have much fun playing. Despite these negatives, I developed character, and a sense of the physical demands of sports. This season was what led me to being the football player I am now. It has assisted in my character development and has ultimately served to give me the discipline I need to be a successful athlete. -
Sandy Hook Shooting
Even though the Sandy Hook Shooting did not directly include me, it had many indirect consequences that influenced me. For one, the reality is that school safety is not as much as people make it out to be. There is virturally nothing standing between a man with a gun from a school of students. This is the harsh reality we live in today. There will always be evil people, and this event allowed me to come to that realization. -
Matt Johnson Passes Away
One of the people who made scouting such a crucial part of me was Matt Johson. Matt served as my leader for many years to the point where I looked at him as another father. Matt passed away early 2015 at the age of 39 - a few days before his 40th birthday. This was a significant loss I had to endure, and allowed me to come to the realization of the importance of a legacy. It has made me question the legacy I am destined to leave behind and has motivated me towards improving it.