Traces of Mobile Assisted Language Learning
Trace back through history beyond the invention of Gutenberg's printing press and the influence of the Industrial Revolution. -
Development of many mobile technologies-1970
-Floppy disk
-First mobile phone -
Development of mobile technologies -1980
-Handheld computers
-Late 1980s many schools and colleges began to allow students to bring laptops into schools. -
Development of mobile devices-1990
-First digital camera
-Graphing calculator
-Development of wireless technologies
-HandLeR project: studied the design of mobile devices in an attempt at creating an instrument of lifelong learning" -
Attempts to define MALL
Quinn-2000: "M-learning is the use of a palm as a learning"
Malley-2005"Any learning that happens offered by mobile technologies."
Traxler-2005"The sole of dominant technologies are handheld or palm top devices."
Sharples-2007"The process through conversations across multiple contexts among people and personal interactive technologies"
Crompton,Muilehbourg,Berge-2011"learning across multiple contexts,through social and content interactions using personal devices". -
2005: M learning became a recognized term.Is connected with learner- center based pedagogies.
Traxler 2011:" there are 5 ways that m-learning offers new opportunities for:
a) contingent learning
b)situated learning
c)authentic learning
d)context-aware learning e)personalized learning -
Denelopment of Mobile devices-2010
Tablets: 2010-Ipads, 2011-Motorola
Smartphones:late 2000s became widespread and have the same capabilities as micrcomputers at a small fraction of size.