History of Literacy

  • Thorndike - "What is Reading"

    Thorndike answered the question by saying that learning had to do with changes in behavior.
  • Schema Theory

    Fredric Bartlett proposed the idea that old knowledge influences new knowledge.
  • Literary Theory Perspective

    The reader response theory discusses that each reader has their own reading experience based off of who they are and what they know.
  • Reading Comprehension Test

    This test measured the level and speed of the comprehension of students.
  • McGuffrey Readers

    A series of books were designed to teach reading to students in 1st-6th grade.
  • Look Say Approach

    This approach teaches children to read words as whole units instead of a group of letters.
  • Reading Basals

    Textbooks designed to teach students reading and other skills.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Separate but equal education rights for the whites and African Americans.
  • National Defense Education Act

    Federal funding for improving instruction in the subjects in the classroom.
  • First Grade Studies

    Early instruction improves children's spelling and comprehension.
  • Head Start Program

    This program was created to help promote literacy development in infants and toddlers.
  • Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Set of 1965

    Fair and equal opportunity for children to receive high quality education.
  • Scope and Sequence

    This is a list of all the ideas that will be covered based on a specific curriculum.
  • Title IX

    No child will be denied education based on their sex.
  • Children's Literature Association

    A non for profit organization that is focused on academic advancments.
  • Center for the Study of Reading

    A federally funded program that helps promote the understanding of the text.
  • American Language Program

    This program was created to better English instruction.
  • Family Literacy Theory

    This theory focuses on the students literacy outside of the classroom and promotes the idea that teachers and parents discuss literacy.
  • Whole Language

    This is an approach that states students should create their own meaning of what they are reading and look at words as whole pieces of language.
  • Reading Excellence Act

    Competitive grants given to schools to help improve skills of students and instructions for teachers.
  • Class Libraries

    Libraries were introduced in order to promote reading for students and surrounded them with books that they all could read and enjoy.
  • Phonics Bill

    Familiarize teachers with the English sound symbol system.
  • Engagement Theory

    Thematic units in literacy.
  • No Child Left Behind

    Setting standards for students would improve outcomes for individual students.
  • Transactional Reader Response Theory

    Transaction between reader and the text.
  • RTI- Response to Intervention

    This is a multi tier approach that catches students learning and behavioral needs.
  • Race to the Top

    Schools competed for grants that would be given to their schools to help innovate their classrooms.
  • Common Core State Standards

    Academic Standards for math and and English.
  • MTSS - Multi Tier Support

    This is a response to the rti approach and is the instruction and help that students need with learning or behavioral needs.
  • Technology

    Technology has been incorporated into each classroom and has changed the way the world teaches and learns.
  • Role of a Literacy Coach

    Students who are at risk of failing need help from a good teacher who is willing to help them.