History of LDT

  • The Birth of E-Learning

    The Birth of E-Learning
    PLATO ( Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations) is the first generalized instruction system being used to integrate computers into instruction. During this time, more interest in online learning begins.
  • Electronic Performance Support Systems

    Electronic Performance Support Systems
    The popularity of electronic performance support systems increases. Instructional designers begin designing computer systems to stimulate work situations. As a result, electronic performance systems reduce the need for training.
  • Interest in Internet for Distance Learning

    Interest in Internet for Distance Learning
    Distance learning becomes useful for creating effective instruction from anywhere. This allowed new job opportunities for instructional designers.
  • California Virtual University

    California Virtual University
    California Virtual University (CVU) began offering online courses. CVU gained support from other universities and offered around 700 classes.
  • The Rise of Online Learning

    The Rise of Online Learning
    Many organizations found new ways to deliver online courses which also involved social media tools.
  • Videos

    Youtube was founded in 2005. As youtube and other video streaming services began to flourish, so did the idea that video can be used for educational purposes.
  • First Massive Online Open Course

    First Massive Online Open Course
    This course was used to allow students to learn from connecting with one another through sharing content and engagement. Over 120,000 people signed up for this course.
  • E-Portfolios

    The E-Portfolio begins to be used for organizing work and academic samples that showcases one’s learning.
  • Age of Learning Technology

    Age of Learning Technology
    Learning is being used in many forms including through social media. Learning becomes more personalized and big data and analytics are being used to make learning more user friendly.