History of Law Enforcement

  • 2300 BCE

    Lipit Ishtar

    Sumerian Ruler who created a standard of conduct
    For example, one rule was: If a man entered the orchard of another man and was seized there for stealing, he shall pay ten shekels of silver.
  • 2200 BCE

    code of Hammurabi

  • 2000 BCE

    Early Law Enforcement

    It started as a means to control human conduct and enforce society’s rules.
  • First Known System of Law Enfocement

    The first known system of Law Enforcement was established in Boston, 1630.
  • First Form of "Watch"

    Volunteers who patrol at night and who walk the rounds.
  • Rattle Watch

    New York established a rattle watch in 1652. Rattle is what they used to signal help
  • Bow Street Runners

    First police organization to actually patrol the streets
    Before watchmen stayed in their watch boxes
    Due to the increased mobility many more criminals were captured
  • First Death

    The first known American officer to be killed in the line of duty was NY Sheriff Cornelius Hogeboom, who was shot on October 22, 1791.
  • Modern Improvement

    A new law enforcement system started first by England in 1829: designed to prevent crime from happening, rather than to react after it occurs.
  • London Police

    Established in 1829
    Recognized as first organized police force
    Created by Sir Robert Peel
    Had over 1000 officers or “Bobbies”
    Used a military command structure
    First force to have special uniforms
  • Modern Police Departments

    Philadelphia- 1833 First Paid daytime Police Force
    New York- 1844
    Chicago- 1851
    New Orleans and Cincinnati- 1852
    Baltimore and Newark- 1857
  • The Political Era

    Police forces characterized by:
    broad social service function
    a decentralized organization
    intimate relationship with community
    extensive use of foot patrol
  • Chief of Police

    International Chiefs of Police (IACP) founded 1893
    Advocated centralized organizational structures and record keeping
    Curbed the power of precinct captains who were under political control
  • First Police Car

    1910 first police car was introduced in Akron Ohio
    Used by supervisors
    Easier to get backup
  • The Reform Era

    Police forces characterized by:
    authority coming from the law and professionalism
    crime control as primary function
    centralized, efficient organization
    professional remoteness from community
    emphasis on preventive motorized patrol, rapid response to crime
  • Community Era

    Police forces characterized by:
    authority coming from community support, law and professionalism
    provision of a broad range of services, including crime control
    decentralized organization with more authority given to patrol officers
    intimate relationship with the community
    use of foot patrol and a problem-solving approach
  • Law Enforcement Today

    14,254 to 18,760 separate police agencies in the U.S.
    3,100 Sheriff’s departments
    Over 15,000 municipal police agencies
    1,376 special police forces including; animal cruelty, beach, harbor, hospital, housing, port, railroad, sanitation, school, transit, and transportation authorities.
    More than 1,000,000 people are employed in policing
  • Source