History of Labor Unions in the United States

  • First Unionization

    Printers of New York City were briefly able to unionize. They became the first union to ever be successful in the U.S. even though they were forced to disband after only a few months.
  • First Strike

    Philadelphia carpenters successfully held a strike that fought for ten hour work days.
  • National Labor Union

    Fought Congress to limit the workday to only eight hours. But they were unsuccessful and disbanded after only seven years. They paved the way for more successful groups such as the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor(AFL).
  • Creation of AFL

    American Federation of Labor is created in 1886. Split off from the Knights of Labor. They still fight for workers rights today.
  • Railroad strikes

    Railroad workers held a strike due to the increasing worktime and low wages. The strike was broken up by the government and was eventually unsuccessful.
  • Merger of AFL to create AFL-CIO

    AFL merged with their main rival to form AFL-CIO which is still working today. It is the longest standing labor union in the country.
  • Founding of UFW

    Farmers rights group that fought the growers in California over fair wages and fair treatment
  • Obama's election

    Labor unions around the country campaigned hard for President Obama as he promised to pass the Employee Free Choice Act which would allow anyone to join the unions.