Nation Labor Union Founded
(Exact date unknown) The first national labor union in the United States. It paved the way for other organizations. -
Knights of Labor Founed
Uriah Stephens formed the Knight of Labor in Philadelphia. Initially a secret society, the Knights were able to organize workers around the country under a radar of management. -
Railway Strike of 1877
A strike against the Baltimore & Ohio railroad ignites a series of strikes across the northeast. The strike lost but it provided evidence of a conflict between business owners and their workers. -
Haymarket Riot
A labor rally at the Haymarket Square in Chicago. It was for an eight hour day then a bomb was thrown, damaging labors image and the issues broke out in the movement. -
AFL Founded
Samuel Gompers founded the AFL. A collection of groups that played a major role in the labor movement. -
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Congress passes the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Created to prevent monopolies, and was used against unions by employers. -
Homestead Strike
A strike turned vioelent at a steel mill between Pinkerton Detectives and union workers. The company hired the detectives and they were greeted with violence and a battle broke out. -
Anti-Labor Injunction
First injuction against labor was issued. This was a powerful weapon for employers. -
Pullman Strike
Union workers wal out of a factory of Pullman Company. This strike, organized by Eugene V. Debs, ended in defeat. -
IWW Founded
This is one of the most radical of labor groups, only achieving very limited success. Though they inspired many activists with their militant spirit.