Thomas Walker enters Kentucky.
Thomas Walker crosses into Kentucky through the Cumberland Gap. -
James Harrod leads settlers in
The day that James Harrod leads settlers into Kentucky. -
Daniel Boone cut down Wilderness Road
Daniel Boone cuts down the Wlderness Road leading from the Cumberland Gap into Kentucky. -
The Shawnee attack Boonesborough. -
Kentucky County is Created
The day that the Virginia Legistlature creates Kentucky County. -
Kentucky Statehood
On this day Kentucky becomes the 15th state in America. -
The First Kentucky Derby
The first Kentucky Derby is run in Loisville, Oliver Lewis won. -
Kentucky drought Strikes
A severe drought strikes in Kentucky. -
Civil Rights law
The Kentucky Legislature passes a strong Civil Rights law that prohibited racial discrimination in work places and guaranteed all access to public services. -
Period: to
Kentucky hosts the World Equestrian Games
Lexington Kentucky hosts the World Equestrian Games.