2000 BCE
Abraham founds Judaism
Period: 2000 BCE to 1200 BCE
The 12 Tribes of Israel, led by Abraham's 12 grandchildren, migrate to Egypt to avoid famine.
1200 BCE
The Jewish people are enslaved by the Egyptians.
Period: 1200 BCE to 1020 BCE
Moses frees the Jewish people. His descendant, Joshua, leads them back to their homeland, and they fight for control from the Palestines and Canaanites.
1020 BCE
All three groups are united into one kingdom under Saul, David's heir.
922 BCE
Israel splits into two kingdoms.
Period: 922 BCE to 586 BCE
The two sides fight for control.
586 BCE
The Assyrians and Babylonians conquer the land.
Period: 586 BCE to 332 BCE
The Jewish people are eventually able to return to their homeland.
332 BCE
Alexander the Great conquers their land.
Period: 332 BCE to 63 BCE
After King Antiochus IV tries to outlaw Judaism, the Jewish people rebel and eventually reclaim their land.
63 BCE
The Romans reconquer the Jewish land.