Judaism Begins
(1812 b.c.)
Judaism began because of an agreement between God and Abraham. It is the oldest religion yet thallest with 12,000,000 followers. Abraham is the founder and the Jews believe that Israel is the place of origin. -
Period: to
History of Israel
The State Department
Department of State recommended the creation of a United Nations with limits on Jewish immigration and a division of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab provinces but not states. The State Department, concerned about the possibility of an increasing Soviet role in the Arab world and the potential for restriction by Arab oil producing nations of oil supplies to the United States, advised against U.S. intervention on behalf of the Jews. Palestine didn’t want Israel to become a country because -
Dealing with Palestine
Although the United States supported the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which favored the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had assured the Arabs in 1945 that the United States would not intervene without consulting both the Jews and the Arabs in that region. The British, who held a colonial mandate for Palestine until May 1948, opposed both the creation of a Jewish state and an Arab state in Palestine as well as unlimited immigration of Jewish r -
Balfour Decleration
British Government made the Balfour Decleration. It promised a jewish home in Palestine. Arabs didn't agree about giving Jews thier own land. -
First Arab Riots
Arab rioters attack Jewish population in Jerusalem on April, 1920. they did this to try to run the Jewish people out of their land. It caused more trouble to the Arabs and Jews then they already had. -
First Jewish Election
The election for Jews was called "Knesset". It took place in April. It was the first election that ever happened in Jewish history. -
Jewish Refugees
Britian began to block refugees from entering Palestine. Jewish sabotage against British. Apparently they didn't want more people on the Palestine side. -
UN Partition Plan
The UN decides to partition Palestine into Jewish States. Jews accepted the plan, but the Arabs didn't. They wanted to keep the state to themselves. -
Israel's Independance War
Israel was attacked by the army of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. More than 700,000 Arabs fleed to a new state of Israel. Almost as many Jew fleed to Israel from Arab countries. -
Creation of Israel
On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, declared the State of Israel. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation also on May 14, 1948. The British, who had control for Palestine until May 1948, opposed both the creation of a Jewish state and an Arab state in Palestine as well as unlimited immigration of Jewish refugees to the region.