
History of Internet

By DeepaR
  • US froms the Advanced Research Projects Agency(ARPA)

    US froms the Advanced Research Projects Agency(ARPA)
    It's located within the Department of Defense to establish the US as the lead in science and technology applicable to the milatary.
  • Computers at stanford and UCLA connected for the first time

    The first message was supposed to be "Login", but reportedly, the link between the two colleges crased on the letter "g" Designed for research, educatin, and government organizations, it provides a communications network linking the country in the event of a milatary event.
  • Electronic Mail is Introduced

    Electronic Mail is Introduced
    Itroduced by Ray Cambridge, he used the @ to distinguish between the sender's name and the network name in an email address.
  • transmission control Protocol/Internet Protocol(TCP/IP0 is designed

    transmission control Protocol/Internet Protocol(TCP/IP0 is designed
    One of these protocols allows users to log onto a remote computer and download files from that computer.
  • Government Figures Start Using the Internet

    Presidential cadidate Jimmy Carter and running mate Walter Mondale use email to plan campaign events. Queen Elizabeth sends her first email with her being the first state leader to do so.
  • Apple was Founded

    Apple was Founded
  • The Word "Internet" is Used For the first time

  • TCP and IP becomes Standard

    The TCP and IP becomes the standard for communicating between computers over the internet.
  • Domain Name System(DNS) is Established

    Domain Name System(DNS) is Established
    It has network addresses identified by extensions such as .com, .org.,
  • Writer William Gibson coins the term "Cyberspace"

    Writer William Gibson coins the term "Cyberspace"
  • First Access of Internet for Consumers

    The World( debuts as the first provider of dial-up Internet access for consumers.
  • World Wide Web is Created

    World Wide Web is Created
    Tim berners-Lee of CERN develops anew technique of distributing information on the Internet. HE called it the World Wide Web. The Web is based on hypertext, which permits the user to connect from one document to another at different sites on the Internet via hyperlinks. Unlike other internet protocols such as FTP and email, the Web is accessible through a graphical user interface.
  • The First Effort to Index the Internet is Created

    It's created by Peter Deutsch at McGill University in Montreal, who devises Archie, an archive of FTP sites
  • Mosiac is Developed

    Mosiac is Developed
    Mosaic is developed by Marc Andreeson at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). It becomes the dominant navigating system for the World Wide Web, which at this time accounts for merely 1% of all Internet traffic.
  • Yahoo was Created

    Was created by Jerry Yang and David Filo
  • Google Opens it's First Office

    Google opens it's first office in California
  • Napster is Created

    Napster is Created
    Shawn Fanning invents Napster, a computer application that allows users to swap music over the internet.
  • Wikipedia is Created

  • Facebook launched

    Facebook launched
  • is Launched