history of internet

By ayan111
  • 1969 - ARPANET

    1969 - ARPANET
    (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) was the world’s first operational packet switching network which is the basis for the internet. It was published in the 1967 which was developed under the direction of the U.S Advanced Research projects by Lawrence Roberts. The purpose of this is to communicate and share computer computers resources.
  • Email

    Ray Tomlinson who created internet based email in 1971 under ARPAnet. Electronic mail is the use of communication that developed along with the evolution of the internet. The purpose of email is to send messages to other people. Therefore the first email was sent between two computers beside each other and the first email message was “QWERTYUIOP”. Ray Tomlinson quoted,"Mostly because it seemed like a neat idea."
  • 1978 - International packet switched service

    1978 - International packet switched service
    International packet switched service is a networking communications method which groups transmits data of a content, type or structure and it also cross network adapters, routers and other network nodes.
  • 1979 - Newsgroups, bulletin boards

    Newsgroups, bulletin boards is an online service on microcomputers running appropriate software the users can be able to upload and download data, read news and bulletins and also exchange messages with other users. People refer to online buttetin boards to message boards and in the 1970s, the users would access it by dialling up through a modem as they can be able to post and read messages from other users. As a result people tend to use the web browsers than using other software.
  • TCP/IP protocol, National Science Foundation

    TCP/IP protocol, National Science Foundation
    (NSF) is a managed of the NSFNET which it facilitates the internet’s first period of public growth. This programme started in the 1979 and the funded development of the CSNET which is not connected to the ARPANT.
  • 1984 - Domain name addressing system

    1984 - Domain name addressing system
    “The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network” this means that users can be able to find their way around the internet as each computer on the internet has a unique address just like a telephone number. Domain names is a easy way to understand when accessing the internet which it goes into the IP adresses for the purpose of locating computer devices.
  • 1987 - 10,000 hosts

    1987 - 10,000 hosts
    The internet has been around for such a long time since 1969 when “Arpanet connected four computers by 1977.” Therefore the number has reach 100. However the following year there were over 1,000 hosts on the internet. In 1987 therewas 10,000 hosts as it increased up to one million hosts in 1992 and 10 million hosts in 1996.
  • search engine

    search engine
    Search engine was designed for the users to search information on the World Wide Web which was created by Archie in 1990. Therefore the information presented in a list of results to the search engine results pages. The information will consist of web pages, images and other type of files.
  • First commercial dialup

    First commercial dialup
    In 1990 the First commercial dialup was conntected to a computer which allows the computer to place a telephone call which conntects to the internet through the internet service provider. Therefore over 14 million househols in the US were using this service provider.
  • World Wide Web, CERN

    World Wide Web, CERN
    The World Wide Web was designed by Time Berners lee which was made at CERN in 1989. Therefore the CERN provided much simpler browser which could be run on any system. As a result in 1991 World Wide Web for that reason was released ‘high energy physics” which the browser has included web sever software and there are many universities and research tends to use it.
  • First widely used browser (Mosaic)

    First widely used browser (Mosaic)
    The World Wide Web has created a web browser which is called the Mosaic in 1993. The Mosaic was the first browser to display images online with text instead of showing the images. For the reason the mosaic programming team created a web browser which is called the Netscape browser as it been shared with the Microsoft Internet Explore as they had to manage and took the lead in 1999.
  • Word ‘Internet’ in daily use

    Word ‘Internet’ in daily use
    The Internet was very popular, the terms Internet and World Wide Web are often used in everday speech.
  • 10 Million users

    10 Million users
    In 1997, 10 million people was using the internet as it has become very popular and people want to learn from the internet as it has many features
  • Dotcom bubble burst

    Dotcom bubble burst
    2000- Dotcom bubble burst
  • Facebook

    Facebook is a social networking service which was lanched in 2004 Mark Elliot Zuckerberg . On May 2012, facebook has over 900 million active users which half of the user tend to use their mobile devices.
  • Web 2.0 Wiki

    Web 2.0 Wiki
    Wiki is a software that users can be able to add, modify or delete, futhermore it allows the user to create a web page content using any Web browser and it was created by Ward Cunningham,