
History of International Relations

  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    Actors: Kingdom of England
    It is a document written by the prince Guillermo of Orange for succeeding the king Jacob II. It was an important advance in constitutional rights, introducing important changes that withdraw powers from the king and distributed them among the parliament, like the formulation of laws and recruitments when there is no war.
  • War of the conquest of Canada

    War of the conquest of Canada
    Actors: Natives of Canada, France, Great Britain.
    Date: From May 1754 to February 10th of 1963, with the Treat of Paris.
    In the race for conquest and colonising the territories of the big lakes of Canada, France and Great Britain get into a war. The natives formed alliances from one side or another depending on the relations with the rest of tribes. The result was a victory of Great Britain that led France to reduce its posessions in Canda to only two.
  • End of Araucan War

    End of Araucan War
    Actors: Mapuche natives, Spain. Spain, after winning the war against the Inca Empire, head
    This conflict, that began in 1536, comprehends the numerous wars and intends of peace, headed south. They conquested the actual territory of Santiago, but they suffered a lot in the war against th mapuchean tribes of the south of Chile. The dense vegetation and the warrior spitirit of these people made necessarily a truce in 1771 that established a border between both sides.
  • Independence of Colombia

    Independence of Colombia
    Actors: Colombian creoles, Crown of Spain, Napoleon.
    After the usurpation of the crown of Spain by Napoleon in 1808 and the imprisonment of the king Fernando VII, various colonies of Latin America started to feel the desire of emancipation. They did not recognized the authority of Jose Napoleon 1, the new king.
    Quito declared autonomy in 1809, Cartagena did the same the 22th of october of 1810 and, for Colombia as a country, the 20th of July the spanish colonization was over.
  • First Sino-Japanese war

    First Sino-Japanese war
    Actors: China's Qing Dynasty and Japanese Empire.
    Dates: From 1/August/1894 to 17/April/1895
    The casus belli was the control over Korea, which at the start of the war was a vassal state of China. The japanese won every single battle for 6 months, this led to a request of peace by China, which had to give to Japan the control of Korea. It was the first time the Assian-Pacific was not dominated by China and it supposed the start of the fall of dynasties in China.
  • Creation of the Triple Entente

    Creation of the Triple Entente
    Actors: France, Great Britain, Russia, Bismarck.
    As a answer to the creation of the Triple Alliance and the increasing power of central potencies due to the way of proceed of German foreign policy led by Otto von Bismarck, the Triple Entente was created. It was a militar alliance formed by Great Britain, France and Russia in order to established an anti-german block and get prepared for the imminent start of a war.
  • Sino-Soviet Treaty of frienship, alliance and mutual asistance

    Sino-Soviet Treaty of frienship, alliance and mutual asistance
    After the support from URSS to the communist in the Chinese Civil War, Mao Zedong and Stain signed this treaty that aimed to established the dominance of communism in the eastern world. Also, this treaty gave back to China the chinese lands that the URSS took from japonese control after the Second World War.
  • Year of Africa

    Year of Africa
    Actors: France, Belgium, United Kingdom and their african colonies.
    After the Second World War, a panafrican feeling was growing among the colonies in Africa. In 1960, 17 african countries achieved their independence, basically from the French, British and Belgian empires. This process led to a increasing participation of Africa in the United Nations system and it supposed the end of the british empire. Most of the former colonies have close commercial relations with its former conquerors.
  • Invasion of Bahia de Cochinos

    Invasion of Bahia de Cochinos
    Actor: Cuba, Fidel Castro, John F. Kennedy, USA.
    The CIA orchestrated an invasion of the cuban Bahía de Cochinas for overthrowing the socialist government of Fidel Castro, which represented a threat for USA's interests due to the proximity of Castro with the URSS and because it could be an example for the rest of Latin America. This invasion was a total failure and cuban forces beat the invadors.
  • Cenepa War

    Cenepa War
    Actors: Peru, Ecuador
    From: 26/January to 28/February of 1994
    This war was never formaly declared, but happened. Ecuador's army installed advancement basements in peruvian territory in the department of the Amazonas. In fact, Ecuador was trying to append this territories for itself. This war lasted only a month and ended with the act of the Brasilia,with no changes in the territory
  • End of the croacian war

    End of the croacian war
    The 31/march/1991, Croatia declared, unilaterally, its independence from Yugoslavia. This declaration was a result of the influence of the Croatian Proud in the croate people. This led to a war. Yugoslavia was fighting for keeping Croatia under its control and Croatia, for its independence. After four years of raw conflict. Croatia won and achieved its independence.
  • Ethiopian-eritrean war

    Ethiopian-eritrean war
    Actors: Ethiopy, Eritrea
    Eritrea became an independent nation from Ethiopy in 1993 in peaceful terms thanks to referendum, but in 1998 ethiopian troops occupied an eritrean territory.This action unleashed a war and Ethiopy won it, but on the International Court, Eritrea was right. No changes were made on the borderlands.
  • Referencias

    -Acemoglu, D. & Robinson, J.A. (2012). Por qué fracasan los países.(17ª Edición). Editorial Planeta Colombiana S.A. -Mundo. (28 de junio de 2020). Historia. British Broadcasting Corporation. Tomado de: https://www.bbc.com/mundo/topics/c404v587340t -UNESDOC. (2020). UNESDOC Biblioteca Digital.Serie de historias generales y regionales. UNESCO. Tomado de: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/search/10d31c88-997d-48a2-816b-c2ae3168cb94/N-dc76f520-571e-4224-987f-9ae17bf19b65 -Russian International Affairs