
History of Instructional Design and Technology

  • Early 1900's

    Early 1900's
    The history of instructional design and technology in education can be traced all the way back to the early 1900's with the use of "school musuems" using stereographs, charts, and filmstrips (Reiser and Dempsey p. 17). Image Source: http://aphelis.net/school-classroom-benjamin-gifford-1905/
  • Visual Education

    Visual Education
    Visual education became prominent in education through lantern slide projectors and motion picture projectors in the first decade of the 20th century. Image Source: http://lanternslides.wagnerfreeinstitute.org/lanternslidelectureseries/#_ftnref4
  • Rochester, NY uses films regularly in education

    In 1910, Rochester, NY "became the first public school system to implement films for regular educational use" (Reiser and Dempsey p. 18).
  • Thomas Edison says.....

    Thomas Edison says.....
    "Books will soon be obsolete in the school...It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture. Our school system will be completely changed in ten years" (cited in Reiser and Dempsey, 2012 p. 18). The idea that technology implemented will have a greater effect than it actually does is present all throughout the history of instructional design and technology. Image Source: http://www.biography.com/people/thomas-edison-9284349
  • WWII

    A big step in educational technology came with the start of WWII. The U.S. Army Air Force "produced more than 400 training films and 600 filmstrips" in order to quickly and effectively train soldiers for war (Reiser and Dempsey p. 19). Image Source: http://www.ww2online.org/image/soldiers-watching-training-film-camp-san-luis-obispo-california-24-february-1944
  • During the war...

    During the war...
    Instructional Design procedures began during WWII when Gange, Briggs, and Flanagan were asked to develop training materials. They used ideas from their research on behavior. (Reiser and Dempsey p. 23) Image Source: http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/wwii-posters/
  • TV

    The 50's and 60's introduced television as a medium for educational instruction. More than 200 channels were created for educational purposes. (Reiser and Dempsey p. 20) Image Source: http://www.scetv.org/index.php/lifeline/theview/overview/
  • Sputnik

    When Sputnik launched in 1957 the up and coming field of instructional design forever changed. Shocked the Russians actually launched a satelite, the US poured millions of dollars into math and science education. They pushed materials developed quickly into classrooms without trials that were essentially uneffective. (Resier and Dempsey p.25) Image Source: http://www.coalwoodwestvirginia.com/sputnik.htm
  • Robert Gagne

    Robert Gagne
    Throughout the 60's several designers began publishing books on the different types of learning outcomes. The most influential one to the field of instructional design was Robert Gagne's "The Conditions of Learning". (Reiser and Dempsey p. 24). Image Source: http://www.lifecircles-inc.com/Learningtheories/Gagne.html
  • Instructional Design

    Michael Scriven realized that materials needed to be tested before being pushed into full development. He labeled this "summative evaluation" and thus drastically changed the field of instructional deisgn becasue he added the study of the process to the development of materials (Resier and Dempsey p. 25).
  • 70's

    During the 1970's, varying instructional design models increased and began to develop new approahces. Even the military implemented the development of training materials using models within the instructional design method. (Resier and Dempsey p. 26)
    Image Source: http://www.ritzvillealumni.com/Class%20rosters/Class%20Composites/1970/1970.html
  • Personal Computers

    Personal Computers
    Computers came onto the scene in the 50's with Computer Assisted Instruction created by IBM. However, the instructional use of computers did not take off until the 80's. By 1983 personal computers were being used for educational purposes "in more than 40 percent of all elementary schools and more than 75 percent of all secondary schools in the United States" (cited in Reiser and Dempsey, 2012 p. 20).
    Image Source: http://connectingsomerset.online-media.tv/sponsors
  • 90's

    During the 90's, instructional designers began to recognize the importance of studying performance and behavior then developing instructional materials and completeing an analysis. (Reiser and Dempsey p. 26)
    Image Source: http://hot92and100.com/content/rob-z-show/robs-z-guide-life/post/relive-year-1990-nostalgia-overload
  • Turn of the Century

    Turn of the Century
    At the turn of the century, the most notable change to the field of instructional design and technology in education was the creation and adoption of the internet. The internet allowed the world to come to the classroom.
    Image Source: http://www.davison.com/blog/2013/12/31/out-with-the-old-in-with-the-new-new-year%E2%80%99s-eve-2013/officials-test-time-square-new-years-ball/
  • e-Learning

    During the last decade, the rise of personal computer use in education has drastically changed. "In 1999 only 64 percent of classrooms had computers with Internet access, in 2009 Internet access was available in 93 percent of classrooms" (Reiser and Dempsey p. 21).
    Image Source: http://www.golocalise.com/en/services/translation/elearning
  • Recent Developments

    Recent Developments
    In the past few years the field of instructional design and technology has been greatly influenced by the rise of socail media. It has allowed classroom collboration throughout the world. Image Source: http://iconion.com/posts/social-media-icons-1.html
  • References

    Reiser, R.A., & Dempsey, J.V. (2012). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.