WWII Soldiers
Thousands of WWII Soldiers Systematically Trained -
Period: to
History of ID
B.F. Skinner
Introduced Program Instruction -
Benjamin Bloom
Published Taxonomies of Education -
Instructional Technology Observed as a Process
Robert F. Mager
Popularized Learning Objectives -
Robert Glaser
Coins the Term "Criterion-Reference Measures" -
Robert Gagne
Formulated 9 Events of Instruction -
Period: to
Burgeoning of Interest in the Systems Approach
Rise of Information Systems Approach to instruction
Kemp Model
Four Elements of Design -
Dick & Carey Model
Dick, Carey, & Carey Model -
John M. Keller
ARCS Model -
Launch of the First Computer - Based Training -
Period: to
Growth and Redirection
The ADDIE Process
David Merrill
Developed Component Display Theory -
Rise of Construction and Authentic Learning
Period: to
Recognizing the Importance of performance
Recognizing the Importance of performance -
Rise of Human Performance Improvement (HPI)
Rise of Online and eLearning in Business
No Child Left Behind Act
Rise of Mobile, Social, and Blended Learning
Rise of Big Data and Learning Experience (LX) Design