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History of healthcare witter

  • Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    Early beginnings

  • 3900 BCE

    Disease caused by

    Disease caused by
    Evil spirits
  • 3600 BCE

    Treatments for the sick

    Treatments for the sick
    Blood letting

    Prayer time and division
  • 3100 BCE

    Medicines used today

    Medicines used today
    Digitalis Heart medicine
    Quinine controls fevers
    Belladonna relive muscle spasm
    Morphine pain medication
  • Period: 2999 BCE to 399 BCE

    Ancient times

  • 2900 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egyptians
    Health records identify certain diseases
    Who are physicians? priests
    How did they heal? Medicines
  • 1900 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    Development of acupuncture. It’s a way to treat a variety of illnesses
  • Period: 1350 BCE to 1650 BCE


  • 900 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Ancient Greeks
    Herbal therapies
    not allowed to dissect the bodies
    The father of medicine
  • 100 BCE

    Ancient Roman’s

    Ancient Roman’s
    learned from Greeks, water ways
    First to organize medical care
    Physicians kept a room in there home for the ill
  • Period: 400 to 800

    Dark age

  • Period: 400 to 800

    Middle age

  • 500

    Stoped the study of medicine why?

    Stoped the study of medicine why?
    Medicine was only practiced in convents and monasteries.
  • 700

    How do they treat disease?

    How do they treat disease?
  • 1100


    Killed 60 million people
  • 1450


    Built for research
    Study of the body
    Allow greater knowledge
  • Period: 1501 to

    16th and 17th centuries

  • 1515

    Leonardo de Vinci

    Leonardo de Vinci
    Studied anatomy of body
  • 1550

    Gabriele fallopius

    Gabriele fallopius
    Fallopian tubes
  • 1563

    Bartolommeo eustachio

    Bartolommeo eustachio
    Eustachian tube
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    Circulation of blood
  • Antoine von Leeuwenhoek

    Antoine von Leeuwenhoek
  • Apothecaries

    Trade in drugs
  • Period: to

    18th century

  • Benjamin franklin

    Benjamin franklin
  • Medical students learning

    Medical students learning
    Elizabeth Blackwell
  • Joseph Priestley

    Joseph Priestley
    Element oxygen
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
  • Rene laennec

    Rene laennec
  • Period: to

    19th and 20th centuries

  • Florence nightingale

    Florence nightingale
    School of nursing
  • Ignaz semmelweis

    Ignaz semmelweis
    Puerperal fever
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    Father of microbiology
  • Joseph lister

    Joseph lister
  • Ernst von bergmann

    Ernst von bergmann
  • Robert Koch

    Robert Koch
    Disease cause organisms
  • Paul ehrlich

    Paul ehrlich
    606 experiments
  • Wilhelm roentgen

    Wilhelm  roentgen
  • Anesthesia

    Relieve pain of surgery
  • Sir Alexander Fleming

    Sir Alexander Fleming
  • Sigmund freud

    Sigmund freud
    Psychosomatic illness
  • Gerhard domagk

    Gerhard domagk
    Sulfanilamide compounds
  • Jonas Salk

    Jonas Salk
  • Albert Sabin

    Albert Sabin
    live polio virus
  • Francis crick and James Watson

    Francis crick and James Watson
    DNA structure
  • Christian Barnard

    Christian Barnard
    Heart transplant
  • Ben Carson

    Ben Carson
  • 5 advances

    5 advances
    Organ transplant
    Reattach severed body parts
    Noninvasive techniques
    Caring for unborn fetuses
  • Period: to

    21st century