History of healthcare Ruatti

  • Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    Early beginnings

  • 3900 BCE

    Diseases caused by?

    Diseases caused by?
    Evil spirits
  • 3600 BCE

    Treatments for the sick

    Treatments for the sick
    Blood letting
    Prayer and Devine intervention
  • 3100 BCE

    Medicines used today

    Medicines used today
    Digitalis- used for heart conditions
    Quinine- controls fever, relives muscle pain, and helps prevent malaria
    Belladonna and atropine- relives muscle pain
    Morphine-treats severe pain
  • Period: 2999 BCE to 399

    Ancient times

  • 2900 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egyptians
    Health records- ancient Egyptians had the earliest accurate records
    Who are physicians- workers and artist who had noble and sacred missions to save people
    How did they heal- splinting fractures, bloodletting with leaches medication
  • 1900 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    Development of acupuncture- practiced since the Stone Age, and ancient art of using tools to heal
  • 900 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Ancient Greeks
    Illness cause, nature vs spiritual- first studies show nature at fault
    Dissection- religious beliefs don’t allow bodies to be dissected
    Hippocrates- he created notes about the physical appearance of human anatomy and wrote ethics on medical use
  • 100

    Ancient romans

    Ancient romans
    Sanitation systems- first to have clean bathing water, and separate water for drinking
    Organize medical care- sent equipment and doctors to army bases.
    Hospital development- public buildings, doctors paid by government
  • Period: 400 to 800

    Dark age

  • 500

    Stopped the study of medicine, why?

    Stopped the study of medicine, why?
    Roman Empire was conquered by the Huns, not allowing studies
  • 700

    How do they treat disease

    How do they treat disease
    With prayers and herbal mixtures.
  • Period: 800 to 1400

    Middle age

  • Period: 1350 to


  • 1450


    Universities- new schools and hospitals
    Dissection- was accepting of dissecting bodies
    Books- the development of printing press and publishing books
  • Period: 1501 to

    16th and 17th centuries

  • 1515

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Studies and recorded the anatomy of the body
  • 1550

    Gabrielle fallopius

    Gabrielle fallopius
    Discovered ran fallotubed tubes of the female anatomy
  • 1563


    Discovered the tube from the ear to float
  • William harvey

    William harvey
    Understood physiology, and was able to describe blood circulation and the pumping of the art.
  • Antonie von Leeuwenhoek

    Antonie von Leeuwenhoek
    Invented the microscope, and discovered life smaller than the eye can see.
  • Apothecaries

    First kind of pharmacies, and traded drugs for spices from the East
  • Period: to

    18th century

  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Discovered bifocals and found out colds could transfer people
  • Medical students learning

    Medical students learning
    -Attended medical studies
    -watch patients at bedside
    -dissect dead bodies
  • Joseph Priestley

    Joseph Priestley
    Discovered oxygen and how to make breathable
  • Edward jenner

    Edward jenner
    Created the smallpox vaccination, and that led to other immunizations.
  • Rene laennec

    Rene laennec
    Invented the stethoscope, used for hearing the heart and lungs, and to detect diseases.
  • Period: to

    19th and 20th centuries

  • Florence nightingale

    Florence nightingale
    Created classes for female medical education, helped bring more women into hospitals
  • Ignaz Semmelweis

    Ignaz Semmelweis
    Found what caused childbirth fever, physicians didn’t wash hands after handling corpses.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    -“father of microbiology”
    Discovered tiny microorganisms are everywhere
    -They cause disease
    -Pasteurization kills bacteria in milk, still used today
  • Dmitri ivanovski

    Dmitri ivanovski
    -Discovered that microorganisms could be deadly
    Weren’t recognizable until electron microscope was invented, not by him
  • Joseph lister

    Joseph lister
    -Realized microorganisms can cause infections
    -carbolic acid on wounds
    -first doctor to create antiseptic
    -used it during surgery to prevent infections
  • Ernst von Bergman

    Ernst von Bergman
    -developed sterile conditions (asepsis)
    -germ cause infections
    -beginning of asepsis
  • Robert Koch

    Robert Koch
    -discovered disease causing organisms
    -culture plate method
    -identify pathogens
    -isolated the bacterium in tuberculosis
    -cleanliness in surgical sites
  • Paul ehrlich

    Paul ehrlich
    • the effect of medicines on microorganisms -treatment was affective on some organisms -Brought the use of chemicals to treat diseases -found treatment for syphilis
  • Wilhelm roentgen

    Wilhelm roentgen
    -Discovered x-rays
    -first picture of his wife’s hand
    -allowed doctors to see what was wrong with their patients
  • Anesthesia

    -used to preform without it
    -early doctors used herbs and alcohol
    -used to choke patients to unconsciousness
    -many died from shock
    -Nitro oxide, ether, chloyform
  • Sir Alexander Fleming

    Sir Alexander Fleming
    -found that penicillin killed life threatening bacteria 🧫
    - it can treat now, pneumonia, gonorrhea, and blood poisoning
  • Sigmund Freud

    Sigmund Freud
    -discovered the unconscious and conscious parts of the brain
    - mind and body work together
    -studies led to psychology and psychiatry
  • Gerard domagk

    Gerard domagk
    -discovered sulfonamide compounds
    - started newer medicine by killing diseases
  • Jonas salk

    Jonas salk
    -Discovered old polio virus, that would cause immunity to poliomyelitis
    -paralyzed kids and adults
  • Albert sabin

    Albert sabin
    -used live polio virus vaccine
    -used on babies to treat the dreaded disease before it happens
  • Christian barnard

    Christian barnard
    -performed first successful near transplant
  • Ben carson

    Ben carson
    -pioneered the surgery to separate conjoined twins
    -preforms hemispheectomies surgeries to stop seizures
  • Period: to

    21st century

  • Multi drug tuberculosis treatment

    Multi drug tuberculosis treatment
    • provides first heart evidence of infected people
    • can be treated successfully by developing out patient treatment
  • Joan brugge, discover cancer cells

    Joan brugge, discover cancer cells
    • discovered cancer cells do self suicide and apoptosis -cancer cells can die of starvation -pointed to tumor killing strategies
  • Cardiac hypertrophy reverseal

    Cardiac hypertrophy reverseal
    • gdf11 can reverse cardiac hypertrophy -can thicken heart muscle
  • The “graying” of T cells

    The “graying” of T cells
    -loss of immune defenses with aging
    -Medobolic pathway
    -weakened immune system
  • Covid vaccination

    Covid vaccination
    -discovered vaccine to defend Covid
    -helped cure
    -less deaths