Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Early Beginnings
3900 BCE
Diseases caused by
Evil spirits -
3600 BCE
Treatment for sick
Tribal ceremony’s -
3100 BCE
Medicines still used today
Digitalis is for the heart, quinine is for fevers, Belladona and atropine are for GI pain, and morphine is for pain -
Period: 2999 BCE to 399
Ancient Times
2900 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
Health records: Egyptians were the earliest to keep accurate health records
Who are physicians: priests
How did they heal: medicines, art of splinting fractures, and treated disorders by bloodletting with the use of leeches -
1900 BCE
Ancient Chinese
The ancient Chinese were the first to develop acupuncture therapies. They treated disease with stone tools. These methods later developed into advanced practices of Chinese acupuncture. -
900 BCE
Ancient Greeks
Illness cause nature vs. spiritual: determined that illnesses may have natural rather than spiritual causes by studies
Dissection: religious custom didn’t allow bodies to be dissected
Hippocrates: father of medicine -
Ancient Romans
Sanitation systems: brought clean water to city’s by aqueducts
Organize medical care: kept clean room in their houses for ill
Hospital development: public buildings for care of the sick -
Period: 400 to 800
Dark Age
Why stopped the study of medicine?
Life and death were in gods hands -
How do they treat diseases?
Prayers -
Period: 800 to 1400
The middle Age
Caused millions of death -
Period: 1350 to
Rebirth: new scientific process began
The building of universities and medical schools
Acceptance of dissection of body for study
Printing press and publishing of books -
Period: 1501 to
16th and 17th centuries
Leonardo da Vinci
Studied/ recorded anatomy of the body -
Gabriele fallopius
Discovered fallopian tubes of female anatomy -
Bartolommeo eustachio
Discovered Eustachian tube -
William harvey
Physiology -
Antoine von Leeuwenhoek
Invented microscope -
Early pharmacies -
Period: to
18th century
Benjamin Franklin
Discovered bifocals -
Medical students learning
Attended lectures and observed patients bedside. Led to better understanding of illness and death -
Joseph Priestley
Discovered oxygen -
Edward Jenner
Method of vaccination for smallpox -
Rene Lannec
Invented stethoscope -
Period: to
19th and 20th centuries
Ignaz Semmelweis
Identified cause of childbed fever -
Florence nightingale
Attracted well educated, dedicated women to nightingale school of nursing -
Louis Pasteur
Father of microbiology -
Dmitri ivanoski
Discovered diseases that can’t be seen with microscope -
Joseph lister
Learned microorganisms cause infection -
Ernst von bergmann
Developed asepsis -
Robert Koch
Discovered disease causing organisms -
Paul ehrlich
Discovery effect of medicine on disease causing microorganisms -
Wilhelmina roentgen
Discovered X-rays -
Surgery was performed without anesthesia -
Sir Alexander Fleming
Penicillin killed life threatening bacteria -
Sigmund Freud
Conscious and unconscious parts of mind -
Gerhard domagk
Sulfamide compounds -
Jonas Salk
Dead polio virus would cause immunity to to poliomyelitis -
Albert Sabin
Discovered oral polio vaccine -
Francis crick and James Watson
Molecular structure of DNA -
Christian Barnard
Performed 1st successful heart transplant -
Ben Carson
Separating Siamese twins, performing hemispherectomies -
Advancements today
Decrease in Number of Deaths from Heart Disease
New Understanding of Cancer.
Big Advances in Trauma Care
Hepatitis C is Curable
We Can Save People from Fatal Opiate Overdoses. -
Period: to
21st century