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History of healthcare - Mittag

By Erin05
  • 3900 BCE

    Diseases caused by?

    Evil spirts
  • 3600 BCE

    Treatments for sick

    Treatments for sick
    Blood letting
    Prayer and Devine intervention
  • 3100 BCE

    Medicines used today

    Medicines used today
    Digitalis - Used for heart conditions
    Quinine - Controls fever, relives musical pain, and helps prevent malaria
    Belladonna and Atropine - Relives musical pain
    Morphine - Treats severe pain
  • Period: 2999 BCE to 399

    Ancient times

  • 2900 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egyptians
    Health records - Ancient Egyptians had the earliest accurate records.
    Who are physicians? - Workers and artist who had noble and sacred missions to save people.
    How did they heal? - Splinting fractures, bloodletting with leaches medication.
  • 2022 BCE


    It improves communication between doctors and allows the patients quicker results.
  • 2022 BCE

    Genetic research

    Genetic research
    Genetic research eliminates the possibilities of disabling diseases.
  • 2022 BCE

    Improving nursing care

    Improving nursing care
    Many advances are being made in patients care related to the role of the nurse.
  • 2022 BCE

    Assistant living centers

    Assistant living centers
    These facilities are making improvements to meet the physical, emotional, and mental needs of our senior citizens.
  • 2022 BCE

    Attentive medicine

    Attentive medicine
    Doctors are more widely excepting alternative medicine or practices such as acupuncture as part of healing.
  • 2022 BCE


    Portable and hand held devices help with diagnosis, record keeping, and research.
  • Period: 2001 BCE to 2022 BCE

    21st centuries

  • 1987 BCE

    Ben Carson

    Ben Carson
    He does surgeries on the brains to stop seizures, and separates connected twins at birth.
  • 1968 BCE

    Christian Barnard

    Christian Barnard
    He created the first successful heart transplant.
  • 1962 BCE

    Francis Crick and James Watson

    Francis Crick and James Watson
    They discovered the molecular structure of DNA.
  • 1961 BCE

    Albert Sabin

    Albert Sabin
    He discovered a live polio virus which is more effective.
  • 1955 BCE

    Jonas Salk

    Jonas Salk
    He discovered a vaccine for polio.
  • 1945 BCE

    Gerhard Domagk

    Gerhard Domagk
    He discovered sulfonamide compounds.
  • 1930 BCE

    Sigmund Freud

    Sigmund Freud
    He discovered the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind.
  • 1928 BCE

    Sir Alexander Fleming

    Sir Alexander Fleming
    He created penicillin.
  • 1925 BCE


    It helps prevent patients from waking up during a painful surgery.
  • 1920 BCE

    Wilhelm Roentgen

    Wilhelm Roentgen
    He discovered X-rays.
  • 1912 BCE

    Paul Ehrlich

    Paul Ehrlich
    He discovered a treatment for syphilis.
  • 1910 BCE

    Robert Koch

    Robert Koch
    He discovered the culture plate method to identify pathogens and introduced the importance of cleanliness and sanitation when trying to prevent diseases.
  • 1900 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    Development of acupuncture - Practiced since the Stone Age, an Ancient art of using tools to heal.
  • 1895 BCE

    Joseph Lister

    Joseph Lister
    He developed asepsis to keep an area clean before and during surgeries.
  • 1895 BCE

    Joseph Lister

    Joseph Lister
    He was the first to use an antiseptic during surgery to prevent infection.
  • 1892 BCE

    Dmitri Ivanovski

    Dmitri Ivanovski
    He discovered viruses.
  • 1885 BCE

    Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    He was the father of microbiology, discovered the pasteurization, and the vaccine for rabies.
  • 1860 BCE

    Florence Nightingale

    Florence Nightingale
    She was the founder of modern nursing.
  • 1860 BCE

    Ignaz Semmelweis

    Ignaz Semmelweis
    He identify the cause of child bed fever.
  • Period: 1801 BCE to 2000 BCE

    19th and 20th centuries

  • 1799 BCE

    Rene Laennec

    Rene Laennec
    He invented the stethoscope.
  • 1796 BCE

    Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    He discovered a vaccine for small pocks.
  • 1755 BCE

    Joseph Priestley

    Joseph Priestley
    He discovered oxygen, and it’s role in reparation.
  • 1750 BCE

    Medical students learning

    Medical students learning
    They attended lectures and labs, they observe patients from the bedside, and dissected bodies after the patient died.
  • 1730 BCE

    Ben Franklin

    Ben Franklin
    He discovered bifocals, and the fact the colds can be spread from person to person,
  • Period: 1701 BCE to 1800 BCE

    18th century

  • 1675 BCE


    The first form of a pharmacy.
  • 1666 BCE

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
    He discovered the microscope.
  • 1628 BCE

    William Harvey

    William Harvey
    He described the circulation of the blood and the pumping of the heart.
  • 1563 BCE

    Bartolommeo Eustachio

    Bartolommeo Eustachio
    He discovered the tube leading from the ear to the throat.
  • 1550 BCE

    Gabriele Fallopius

    Gabriele Fallopius
    He discovered the Fallopian tubes of the female anatomy.
  • 1515 BCE

    Leonardo De Vinci

    Leonardo De Vinci
    He studied and recorded the anatomy of the body.
  • Period: 1501 BCE to 1700 BCE

    16th and 17th centuries

  • 1450 BCE


    Universities - The universities and medical schools for research were established.

    Dissection - Now is acceptable practice to study the human body.
    Books - It allowed research to be shared with others.
  • Period: 1350 BCE to 1650 BCE


  • 1100 BCE


    Epidemics such as - Black deaths, small pocks, and tuberculosis killed millions of people during this time period.
  • 900 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Ancient Greeks
    Illness cause nature vs. spiritual - Ancient Greeks proved that diseases have natural causes and were not caused by supernatural spirits.
    Dissection - Religious customs prohibited dissection.
    Hippocrates - Hippocrates is the father of medicine who’s research supported the theory of natural causes for illness.
  • Period: 800 BCE to 1400 BCE

    Middle age

  • 700 BCE

    How did the treat disease?

    How did the treat disease?
    They treated diseases mostly through prayers, and custodial care.
  • 500 BCE

    stopped the study of medicine, why?

    stopped the study of medicine, why?
    Medicine was only practiced in convents and monasteries because the Huns believe life and death were in Gods hands. They did not care how the body works.
  • Period: 400 BCE to 800 BCE

    The dark age

  • 100 BCE

    Ancient Romans

    Ancient Romans
    Sanitation systems - They built Aqueducts to bring in clean water and build sewers to take wast away, and the built public baths with filtering systems.
    Organize medical care - They were the first to send medical care with the army.

    Hospital Development - They had rooms in there houses for the sick which then lead to them making a hospital later on.
  • Period: to

    Early beginnings