Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Early Beginnings
3900 BCE
Diseases Caused By?
Evil Spirits -
3600 BCE
Treatments for sick?
Tribal doctors performed ceremonies to force out evil spirts -
3100 BCE
Medicines used today
Digitalis is a heart medication
Quinine helps fever, muscle spasms, prevent malaria
Belladonna and Atropine relieves muscle spasms, GI pain
Morphine for treating severe pain -
Period: 2999 BCE to 399
Ancient Times
2900 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
They were the first people to keep accurate health records
The priests acted as physicians
They called upon the Gods to heal them -
1900 BCE
Ancient Chinese
First to use primitive acupuncture -
900 BCE
Ancient Greeks
First to study causes of diseases and discovered that they might me natural not spiritual
Religious custom didn't allow bodies to be dissected
Hippocrates is the father of medicine -
Ancient Romans
They brought clean water into their cities by aqueducts
First to organize medical care
First people to keep a room for the sick -
Period: 400 to 800
Dark Age
stopped the study of medicine, why?
They believed it was in God’s hands -
How do they treat disease?
They treated it by prayer -
Period: 800 to 1400
Middle Age
Epidemics caused millions of deaths -
Period: 1350 to
New scientific presses began
Building of universities for medical research
Started dissection for study of the body
Books allowed for better research -
Period: 1501 to
16th and 17th Centuries
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci recorded the anatomy of the body -
Gabriele Fallopius
He discovered fallopian tubes in females -
Bartolommeo Eustachio
He discovered the tube from the ear to the throat -
William Harvey
Discovered circulation of blood and pumping of the heart -
Antonie von Leeuwenhoek
Invented the microscope, found smaller life than the eye can see -
Early pharmacies -
Period: to
18th Century
Benjamin Franklin
Discovered Bifocals, and colds can be passed from person to person -
Medical students learning
New teaching methods, attended lectures, observed patients, dissected body, observed dissection process -
Joseph Priestley
Discovered the element of oxygen -
Edward Jenner
Discovered a method of vaccination for smallpox -
Rene Laennec
He invented the stethoscope -
Period: to
19th and 20th Centuries
Ignaz Semmelweis
Identified the cause of childbed fever -
Florence Nightingale
He attracted well educated women to nightingale school of nursing -
Louis Pasteur
“Father of microbiology”
Discovered that tiny microorganisms were everywhere -
Dmitri Ivanovski
Discovered that some diseases are cause by microorganisms called viruses -
Joseph Lister
Used carbolic acid on wounds to kill germs that could cause infection -
Ernst von Bergmann
He developed asepsis, which is used to sterilize wounds and other things -
Robert Koch
Discovered many disease causing organisms -
Paul Ehrlich
Discovered the effect of medicine on disease causing microorganisms -
Wilhelm Roentgen
Discovered X-rays -
They had the ability to put people in a deep sleep -
Sir Alexander Fleming
Found that Penicillin killed life threatening bacteria -
Sigmund Freud
Discovered the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind -
Gerhard Domagk
Discovered sulfonamide compounds, first killing bacteria medication -
Jonas Salk
Discovered that a polio virus would cause immunity to poliomyelitis -
Jonas Salk
Discovered that a dead polio virus would cause immunity to poliomyelitis -
Albert Sabin
Used a live polio virus vaccine, it was more effective -
Francis Crick and James Watson
Discovered the molecular structure of DNA -
Christian Barnard
Preformed the first successful heart transplant -
Ben Carson
Separates Siamese twins, performs hemispherectomies -
Period: to
21st century
Reattach body parts
The ability to reattach severed body parts -
Assisted Living
New facilities are being developed to better meet physical and mental needs of senior citizens -
Home Health Care
Nurses are visiting patients at home and caring for them in a ambulatory care setting -
Health care providers use electronics to send medical information -
Quicker Hospital Visits
Patients used to recover in the hospital over a period of several days, today they can have surgery and leave the same day